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Since its founding in 1999, Virgin Gold Mining Corporation has grown quickly to become one of the world's leading gold exploration and mining companies.

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Presentation on theme: "Since its founding in 1999, Virgin Gold Mining Corporation has grown quickly to become one of the world's leading gold exploration and mining companies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Since its founding in 1999, Virgin Gold Mining Corporation has grown quickly to become one of the world's leading gold exploration and mining companies and a young, dynamic organization with a global reach and an international perspective. Based in Panama, an international offshore tax-free jurisdiction, Virgin Gold utilizes various offshore vehicles to facilitate its onshore business operations. This means we are able to generate good revenue and tax-free dividend to our shareholders worldwide.

2 With approximately 500 employees, Virgin Gold is efficiently managed, whereby everyone in the organization understands its mission, vision and corporate philosophies. Despite our tender age, Virgin Gold is better structured, and more prudently managed and financially viable than its peers, allowing it to optimally exploit any unforeseen volatility in the current financial market. Virgin Gold currently operates in parts of Africa and South America and is focused on growing shareholder value through joint ventures, acquisitions, exploration and the development of potentially large-scale gold projects.

3 Virgin Gold, as well as being a truly enterprising and ambitious corporation, retains realistic and achievable expectations. Currently a global niche player, our long term vision is to become an industry leader in gold mining, manufacturing and trading sectors. We aim to achieve this through cooperation, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions and exploration across all geographical locations. Virgin Gold aims to raise 3 to 5 billion dollars of working capital through issuing new Convertible Preferred Stocks to the global community within the next few years. Our corporate mission is to build a sustainable mining business that consistently delivers top earning per share to stockholders while leading in terms of safety, environmental stewardship and corporate responsibility.

4 While an Initial Public Offering (IPO) is an interesting and lucrative proposal, it is not part of our short term goal. We are currently comfortable as a private corporation because it allows us more room in which to grow and compete. Based in a tax and business friendly offshore jurisdiction, Virgin Gold is better-placed and more flexibly able to invest in many onshore operations than its bigger peers. Our short term goal is to grow this corporation into a global industry leader and return good and consistent dividends to shareholders. However, going public remains our medium term priority. We foresee ourselves launching an IPO by year 2015 if the environment is conducive. It will be very interesting when this materializes since millions of our private shareholders will hold public listed shares. Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Stockholders will be able to convert their shares into public traded common shares. The shares to which they currently subscribe with Virgin Gold will potentially appreciate several times over after the IPO.

5 Our values and principles help us on our journey towards sustainable development. By living according to our defined Corporate Value, we can meet the current needs of our organization and stakeholders, thus protecting, sustaining and enhancing human, natural and financial capital for the future. People first We respect every individual. We draw strength from equal opportunity and diversity, while also supporting personal growth and development. We treat peoples lives and well-being as the key commodity for our organizations future. We value human rights and all benefit from the entrepreneurial spirit of each individual. We will ensure all our people are kept informed of important company developments and issues.

6 January 1st, 2010 Dear Shareholders, Today mark the beginning of a great chapter of this corporation and I proudly take this opportunity to represent the Executive Board to welcome all shareholders that has been supporting our business operations for the past decade. Today we launch our online shareholder account and begin to offer Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Stocks (CPS) to the global community. This exercise will raise a lot of working capital for Virgin Gold to increase our global operations and profitability. This online shareholder account allows more flexibility for shareholders to manage their own portfolio and presents other income earning opportunities such as Gold Trading that were not able to be offered previously. I am proud to say that many in this industry including many PLCs are still not able to offer such financial flexibility and opportunity to their shareholders. CPS is now offered at USD0.80 per share. The value of our shares will appreciate in tandem with the value of this corporation as it increases over time. CPS holders dividend is fixed at 1oz of gold for every 10,000 shares subscribed. Two basic reasons why anyone would invest in a particular stock are good dividend and share value appreciation. Virgin Gold CPS fits perfectly into this category. We thought so too. Again, the Board thank you for your kind support throughout 2009 and we promise to deliver even better results for 2010 and beyond. Johann Hansen President of Virgin Gold Mining Corporation Virgin Gold Mining Corporation Ref:

7 January 2nd, 2011 2010 had been the greatest year in the history of Virgin Gold. We took a bold step forward by issuing newly convertible preferred stocks and offered it to the global market. Amazingly, within a period of as short as one year, we had 75,000 new shareholders from more than 65 countries subscribing to more than a hundred million Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Shares. We are one and only Multinational Corporation that pays dividends to shareholders in gold; a truly unique and honest way to reward shareholders of a gold mining company. Dividend came to an average of 147% for every VG Convertible Preferred share in 2010. Though this is an incredible return by any definition, but it is not something unheard of, as new and upcoming natural resources companies record growth of more than 1000% annually during their prime years. The management team confidently expects that Virgin Golds dividends to shareholders will be above 100% per annum for the next 3-5 years. Virgin Gold is fully focused on becoming a billion-dollar corporation within these two years and I have personally outlined a few strategies that our corporation aims to achieve in 2011. These, among others, are: 1. To streamline and rationalize our core business – gold mining - and to divest non-core business such as gold trading, manufacturing and others. With more fund contributed by new shareholders, we will be able to focus more in-depth into gold-mining related activities. We have been good at identifying opportunities and taking stakes in profitable gold mines and we will continue to go forward with more financial muscles this year. 2. To appoint Investors Relation Directors and send them out into regions where many of our shareholders are actively promoting the good image, business, philosophy and opportunities of this corporation. We aim to be more pro-active in issues related to our shareholders, to further understand their problems and assist them in ways we could. We will even consider setting up regional service offices across Asia, Europe, Africa and Americas if the need arises. 3. To produce more business tools and materials regarding our Corporate Profiles, Business Model, Philosophy, Corporate Governance and Business Operation Manual to be distributed to our potential and current shareholders. We want to be able to portray our image as a corporation of trust and value. We want to be able to give back this opportunity to the global community which is the essence of our success today. 4. To continue to cut our operation costs and increase profitability of our mining investment, so that we are able to keep share price at the lowest, thus increasing our net value per share. However, if spot gold price increases, subscription prices for our shares will increase to reflect the higher net value of our corporation and to be fair to current shareholders and partners. There is a saying that If you work slowly but constantly, you will succeed more than when you work fast for a short while and do not continue. On behalf of this Executive Board, I thank you for your contribution in 2010 and we will continue to do our best in 2011 to deliver our expertise and values to all of Virgin Gold shareholders, partners and the community where our presence is felt. Thank you. Johann Hansen CEO, Virgin Gold Mining Corporation. Virgin Gold Mining Corporation Ref:

8 President and Chief Executive Officer Kenneth Elinger Vice President of Finance Kenneth Elinger Vice President of Operation Paulo Marcus Nolinski Vice President of Legal and External Affairs Stephan Karl Burke Vice President of Exploration, Discovery and Development Kierran P. Radosky Chief Information Officer Brutus Van Bommel Vice President of Investor Relations Matthew Jacobsen Investor Relation Director (Central & South America) J. Rafael de la Pena Vice President of Health, Safety and Loss Prevention Manos Zalayeta Chief Sustainability Officer Jamie Johnson Chief Accounting Officer Ruby Christensen Chief Auditing Officer Justin Wills Vice President of Human Resource Susan Crocker Vice President of Risk Management Manual Sanchez Enrique Vice President of Business Creation Robert Marcus Delaney Kenneth Elinger

9 Dear Board of Directors, Fellow Colleagues, Committee Members, Shareholders and Partners of Virgin Gold Mining Corporation: Today is the most humble day of my life as I take my position as the new President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Virgin Gold Mining Corporation (VGMC). I will also continue to hold the position of Vice President of Finance for the time being. I would especially like to thank our former CEO, Mr. Hansen, and the Board of Directors for having such high a level of confidence and trust in me. I would like to thank all shareholders for this opportunity and I ask for your patience and support to allow me to bring revolutionary changes to this corporation. I joined VGMC in 2006 and have been involved in the making of every important decision of this corporation since then. When VGMC launched Convertible Preferred Stocks (CPS) in January 2010, there were doubts in many peoples minds whether it would be a great leap forward or a failure, but I always assured every doubter that it was the perfect step forward. I put forward almost all my savings of nearly half a million dollars for 600,000 CPS shares (offered at a discounted price of 0.80 USD per share in January 2010) on that day itself. Such is my confidence in this company that today I own nearly 2 million VGCPS. %E2%80%93-Kenneth-Elinger/

10 SHARE ---- $1.10 (0.80) TRADING --- Shareholder Trade NETWORKING --- 10% Referral and Group Sales Bonus

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