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Three Gold Coins. Ray Holbert was a real history fanatic. As a result, he spent a lot of time at the city library going through old documents about the.

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Presentation on theme: "Three Gold Coins. Ray Holbert was a real history fanatic. As a result, he spent a lot of time at the city library going through old documents about the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Three Gold Coins

2 Ray Holbert was a real history fanatic. As a result, he spent a lot of time at the city library going through old documents about the town he lived in.

3 One afternoon he came across an account that described the location of an endless pot of gold. According to the account, this pot of gold was located under some floor boards in an attic in an old mansion in the town.

4 The account gave a description of the mansion. Ray thought he knew it from the description and immediately took off to find it.

5 He located what he thought was the mansion and found that it was currently occupied.

6 He went up to the door and introduced himself and told the current owner about the story he had found. The owner told him he must be crazy and demanded that he go away. ARE YOU SOME KIND OF NUT?

7 Ray became very obsessed with finding the gold and decided that he would break into the house at night after everyone had gone to bed.

8 Once in the houses attic, he started moving objects around, looking for the specially marked floor board in the attic floor. After fifteen or twenty minutes he was interrupted by the owner accompanied by a policeman who arrested Ray.

9 In court Ray tried to explain to the judge the reason why he had broken into the house. But the judge ruled that Ray needed a little psychiatric help and told him that he would be placed in the local mental institution for evaluation.

10 You need a little rest, my son…

11 One afternoon while Ray was sitting outside at the mental facility he suddenly realized that this very building fit perfectly the description of the mansion where the endless pot of gold was located.

12 Later that week he volunteered to help clean out the attic. The plan was to make space for more patient rooms. Ray went to work moving large chests to expose the floor boards.

13 All at once he spotted markings on one of the floor boards. They were identical to the markings described in what hed read. Surely this was the location of the endless pot of gold!

14 He looked around to make sure no one was watching and quietly worked at prying up the floor board.

15 He found a small wooden box that he opened and discovered three gold coins..

16 He picked up one of the coins and immediately it was replaced by another. All at once an attendant shouted, Whats going on over there, Ray?

17 Ray panicked, threw the one coin back in the box, put the floor board back in place, and jumped up. As he jumped up he knocked over a large chest that emptied its contents on to the floor. As it fell the chest covered the marked floor board.

18 Several attendants rushed over to see what was going on. They figured Ray had suffered some kind of fit and promptly escorted him back to his room.

19 Ray tried to tell one of the attendants about the pot of gold. The attendant gave Ray a shot that quieted him down and told him that he should forget his crazy story if he wanted to get out of the loony bin. All that money, right there!

20 Later that day the attendants were in the attic helping to clean up the mess that Ray had created. All at once one of them spotted something and called the other attendant over to show him what he had found.

21 I think I found Rays pot of gold!


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