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The Growth Navigators GOLD Harvest Presentation. GOLD the precious yellow metal, is considered to be one of the safest investments. Besides showing strong.

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Presentation on theme: "The Growth Navigators GOLD Harvest Presentation. GOLD the precious yellow metal, is considered to be one of the safest investments. Besides showing strong."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Growth Navigators GOLD Harvest Presentation

2 GOLD the precious yellow metal, is considered to be one of the safest investments. Besides showing strong returns over recent years, GOLD has played a substantial role in wealth preservation and risk management.

3 Pay Rs.25,000 as Initial Margin Money. Pay the balance before DELIVERY. Interest free installments over 12/24/36 months

4 Sell GOLD at anytime On Maturity, take delivery in GOLD or Demat. Buy and Sell GOLD in futures in commodity exchange.

5 As of dated 16 Feb 2010 Price of GOLD @ Rs.16,200/- per 10 gms. Minimum Quantity to purchase :100 gms. So Price @ Rs.162,000/- of 100 gms. Initial Margin Money Rs.25,000/- Balance in easy Installments Continued….. Option IRs.10,000 X 12 months= Rs 120,000 Option IIRs.5,000 X 24 months= Rs 120,000 Option IIIRs 3,500 X 36 Months= Rs 126,000

6 You paid Money by Easy Installments(EMI)Rs.126,000/- Initial Margin Money(+)Rs.25,000/- Booked Price of Gold*(-)Rs162,000/- Difference Amount which to pay^+Rs.11,000/- * Price of GOLD as of 16 Feb 2010 ^Payable at End Of Contract + 2% upfront, monthly rollover brokerage @ 0.25% plus roll over difference, as applicable.

7 Prabhat Nagar Cell 98244 42477. Alpesh Patel Cell 98244 12489 Or

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