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Developing Leaders for Tomorrow

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1 Developing Leaders for Tomorrow
EIHRA March 12, 2019

2 John R. Ryan, President and CEO Center for Creative Leadership
Leadership is like a muscle. The more intelligently you train, the stronger you get.

3 Learning Objectives Compare and critique existing leadership development efforts with what research shows is most effective Discuss the topic of leadership skill alignment – are leaders developing the skills followers want? Examine what is required to get executive buy-in for leadership development Describe how to integrate Emotional Intelligence into leadership development efforts Formulate a plan to enhance current leadership development practice

4 Which of the following is the most commonly used leadership development method?
Job Rotations Executive Coaching Workshops Off-Site Leadership Retreats

5 What percentage of HR Managers found workshops to “effective” or “very effective” in developing leaders? 90% 75% 51% 39%

6 Our current leadership development practices are highly effective.
Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

7 What Doesn’t Work (Center for Creative Leadership)
Overselling a single workshop or learning module Not linking leadership strategy and business strategy Launching leadership initiatives without senior level support

8 Why Leadership Development Programs Fail (McKinsey and Company, 2014)
Overlooking context – one size fits all Decoupling reflection from real work Underestimating mindsets Failing to measure results

9 More Reasons for Ineffective Leadership Development Programs
Designed for ease of operational delivery, not for habit formation (Forbes, 2/2018) Disconnect between what managers value in the workplace and what is valued by employees (MHS, 3/2014)

10 What about your organization?

11 What Works! (Center for Creative Leadership)
70/20/10 Self-Assessment, Goal Setting (Development and Purpose), Reinforcement and Support Informing the learning experience with cutting edge research Tying what is learned in the classroom to key leadership challenges back on the job

12 Experience Driven Leadership Development (Center for Creative Leadership)
Job Assignments Projects Stretch Assignments Executive Shadowing Cross Company Consortiums Communities of Practice Virtual Roundtables Coaching and Mentoring Simulations Volunteerism

13 What Works! (Multi-Health Systems)
Emotional Intelligence Assessments Executive Coaching Global Assignments Formal Mentoring Job Rotations Cross Functional Meetings/Projects

14 Leadership and EQ Statistics
Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) - Dr. Marion Ruderman EQ accounted for 28% of leadership performance Being centered and grounded In control of self, aware of strengths and weaknesses, work-life balance, self-aware, composed under pressure, straight forward Having the ability to take action Ability to be decisive, don’t give up easily, evaluate and learn from mistakes Having a participative management style Good listening and communication skills, put people at ease, build consensus Being tough minded Resilient in difficult situations, handle pressure well, confidence 302 leaders and managers – some successful, some not – used Benchmarks. Centered and grounded – Social responsibility, stress tolerance, impulse control and optimism Action taking – Assertiveness, Independence and optimism Participative management – interpersonal relationships, impulse control, happiness, empathy and social responsibility Being tough minded – self- regard, stress tolerance and impulse control

15 Making Learning Stick Habit Formation Learn, Apply, Reflect
Use coaching – 1:1 or group Offer reinforcements Communities of practice Design for application – flipped classroom Just-in-time learning

16 Critical Factors for Leadership Development (Howard Prager, Advance Learning Group )
What is your organization like? (Size, culture, growth) Where is your organization headed? What does it need to get there? What do leaders need to be able to do to move the organization in the direction it wants to go? Who are you working with – internal and external? How can learning and the right behaviors be reinforced, rewarded and measured? When will follow-up occur and who is responsible? Why now? What would happen if leadership development didn’t happen?

17 What about your organization?

18 Getting Executive Buy-in for Leadership Development
Organizations that spend a significant portion of their training budgets on developing leaders are 12% more likely to increase revenues (MHS, 2014) Create an “impact map” and ask “What precisely is this program for?” Follow up and measure impact Outcome metrics – promotion, engagement, retention, productivity, sales, cost If it is observable, it is measurable. Evidence, not proof!

19 Success Case Method (Robert Brinkerhoff)
What was used? What results were achieved? What good did it do? (Value) What helped? What got in the way or hindered your ability to apply what you learned? Suggestions?


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