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Colonial Resistance Grows

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1 Colonial Resistance Grows
Many Americans began to Organize to Oppose British Policies

2 Key Terms and Key People
Townshend Acts Writs of Assistance Boston Massacre Committee of Correspondence Boston Tea Party Key People: Crispus Attucks Samuel Adams John Adams

3 Taxes and More Taxes Indirect Tax
Taxes on goods that people do NOT see or Pay Directly Taxes on Imports applied to the price Tax adds to the cost of goods BEFORE they are Sold Direct Tax Taxes people PAY on the goods in addition to the cost Taxes are added to the price and Paid by the people Stamp Act, Sales Tax, Taxes paid out of pocket

4 Out on the Town…shend New York Refuses to Pay to house the troops hurting the effectiveness of the Quartering Act The Townshend Acts suspended New York’s Assembly and placed Taxes on all imported goods to the colonies The Taxes would pay for the governors and officials in the Colonies and offset the Stamp Act The Townshend Act Also allowed for the Writs of Assistance to search for smuggled goods

5 Who is this James Otis Guy??
The Townshend Acts led to more protests concerning Taxation without Representation People Argued that the Townshend Acts were a threat to their lives and freedoms and went against their Natural Rights of life, health, liberty, and possessions

6 American Made…American Proud
Samuel Adams, with the Sons of Liberty, urged the Boycott of all British Goods As the Boycott Spread, people began buying American goods hurting British Trade While most protests were peaceful, some became violent and led to riots As Violence Spread, more troops were sent to the colonies, leading to more violence and protests

7 How bout dem’ Yankees Britain sent more troops (redcoats) to Boston and took jobs to supplement their incomes As tensions rose, insults led to violence as soldiers shot and killed the protesters, including Crispus Attucks The Boston Massacre led to Outrage in the colonies and made Attucks and the others Martyrs

8 Samuel Adams Vs. John Adams
Harvard Graduate Did not Follow Law Led Push for Independence Used words and Actions to inspire protest John Adams Harvard Graduate Followed the law though it was unpopular Defended British Soldiers for the Boston Massacre, who were found innocent Became a defender of the push for independence

9 Mr. Tea** Though the Townsend Acts, and most other Taxes were repealed, the Tea tax remained Committees of Correspondence were formed, by Sam Adams, as a way for colonial communication The Tea Act gave the British East Indian Company control over Colonial Tea B.E.I.C Tea would arrive in the colonies and be taxed angering the shippers, merchants, and colonists

10 One Wild Party Tea Party Protests took place in Charleston South Carolina, New York City, and Philadelphia The Sons of Liberty organized the Boston Tea Party Destroying 342 chests of Tea Some Colonial Leaders offered to repay the Damages of the tea Party Britain wanted repayment and the men responsible brought to trial, leading to more tensions in the colonies

11 This has been Another World Famous Mr. Green PowerPoint Presentation

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