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Cake Making Methods.

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1 Cake Making Methods

2 All in one or Melting Method
4 Basic Methods are used Whisking Method Creaming Method Rubbing in Method All in one or Melting Method

3 Whisking Method The wet mixture to be whisked in order to incorporate air and body. Usually, this wet mixture is made up of eggs and sugar, which is whisked to ribbon stage.  The dry ingredients are sieved very well and are then folded gently through the egg mixture in batches of two, sometimes three. The batter must be folded until there are no traces of flour but must not be overmixed. 

4 Since there is little to no raising agent in this cake, the whisking must be done properly for the cake to rise properly.  Whisking method cakes are great too if people are looking to eat less fat, or are after a lighter sponge cake as they mostly contain no butter. The risk with this method is if you’re heavy handed and don’t fold the flour through gently, you’ll end up with a dense, crumbly cake instead of the desired light and airy texture.

5 Whisking method is used for Swiss Rolls and Genoise Sponges but also for a show-stopping chiffon cake. 

6 Creaming Method Possibly the trickiest of all the methods, the creaming method is the base of many baked goods, especially cakes and cookies. The method requires thorough creaming, or blending together, of butter and sugar before any other ingredient is added. During the creaming, it is important to keep going until the butter and sugar mix is pale, light and creamy.

7 Only then, can the eggs be added, and then the rest of the dry ingredients.
The risk with this method, other than under-creaming, is that once the eggs are added, the mixture can split resulting in a tough, dry cake. The creaming method is used for most cakes, like the Sponge but it’s also used for a lot of biscuits and chocolate chip cookies.

8 Rubbing in Method The process works by the fat, usually butter, being worked into the flour by a method of rubbing the pieces through the fingers. This will create a breadcrumb or sand-like texture. Sugar is usually added, and then a little liquid to create a dough. The trick with any rubbing in method is as soon as your liquid is evenly combined, stop working it. 

9 Simply form it into a shape that works for your recipe or very gently and carefully roll it out and then stop handling it. The rubbing-in method is used for crumble toppings, some pastries and of course, scones, cup cakes.

10 All in one or Melting Method
A simple and quick method of baking, cakes made by the melting method are often more dense and moist than cakes made by other methods. Generally, gingerbreads and fruit cakes are made by this method. 

11 The butter or fat used in the cake is often melted together in a pot before the eggs and then the dry ingredients are added because there’s no beating or whisking in this method, a chemical raising agent such as baking powder is used to help the cake rise – so be certain to add it! As with the creaming method, care must always be taken not to over mix the mixture, as it will overdevelop the gluten and the cake will end up dry and tough.

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