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The Old.

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Presentation on theme: "The Old."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Old


3 Some of the New Features
Encrpytion to protect Digi-Trax’s proprietary message structures Enhanced user security levels allowing greater control over user permissions User log on with inactivity timeout Printer description added – allows users to “name” a printer Codabar label printing supported A new custom label similar to the wristband label but can handle up to 100 variable fields A pseudo print preview for the ISBT 128 labels Improved user interface and functionality – more intuitive design and less cumbersome menus

4 Encrypted Message Structures
UAD, "briank" , "test1" ,"kirkpatrick","brian","j","brian123","0"," " hg&^FBV76rfV^f^d65dV65856RV64e%$DFCr65vfgv7^VffD4dtfljmk097ubCxrw34Xcz54%$* lgi, "briank" , "test1" *h7n5rFG$%bh(*&}aK2<

5 Enhanced User Security Levels

6 User log on with inactivity timeout

7 Printer description added

8 Improved user interface and functionality






14 Codabar label printing supported

15 Additional Labels

16 Reporting


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