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Two Swarthmore Fraternities Will Disband

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1 Two Swarthmore Fraternities Will Disband

2 Two Swarthmore University fraternity chapters (Phi Psi and Delta Upsilon) say they are closing their doors in response to allegations of racist, misogynistic (which means strongly prejudiced against women) and homophobic behavior against past members that emerged in recent weeks. The disturbing accounts were included in documents from 2013 to 2016 that were leaked to two campus publications earlier this month. Both fraternities made the announcements on Facebook yesterday. The Delta Upsilon page read, “Over the last few weeks, Swarthmore Delta Upsilon has listened to the concerns and feelings of the campus community. After much discussion, the members of Delta Upsilon have unanimously decided that disbanding our fraternity is in the best interest of the Swarthmore community.” While the Phi Psi statement noted, “We were appalled and disgusted. We condemn sexual violence, racism, homophobia, misogyny, and discrimination in all of its forms, and we will continue as individuals to work to create a campus where these issues are eradicated completely.” The president of the prestigious Pennsylvania university, President Valerie Smith, condemned the documents and suspended all fraternity activity pending the results of an investigation to determine if any current students were involved in the behavior described.

3 In Other News With Robert Mueller's investigation finished, Donald Trump's approval rating stands at its highest level since April 2017 in a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS. President Trump's approval rating remains largely negative in the new poll -- 52% disapprove and 43% approve -- but that approval figure is the highest -- by one point -- since a CNN poll completed around the 100-day mark of his time in office. Nineteen students have taken their own lives in the Indian state of Telangana since mid-April, after the release of intermediate examination results. The state examination for 12th-graders has come under scrutiny. Hundreds of parents have protested the marking and evaluation of the test papers, which they say have resulted in students being awarded incorrect marks and, in many cases, failing the exams. Most university admissions are based on the examination. Some students have said that they appeared for exams but were marked absent or that they were awarded zero marks in specific subjects that they completed. Experts have criticized India's education system as a poor one in which students are under heavy pressure not just to pass examinations but to exceed expectations at all costs. Thousands of Indian young people die by suicide every year, according to the National Crime Record Bureau. In 2015, they made up 6.7% of all suicides, totaling to almost 9,000 deaths. Some experts, parents and officials blame the pressure to succeed in school. The government has repeatedly asked parents to file complaints with the education board if discrepancies are suspected in the exam results. In the event that a discrepancy is found, the results will be rectified, officials say.

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