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The Poultry Industry in the Arab World

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1 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Present & Future Musa Freiji May 8, 2008 1

2 Outline Important Statistics and overview.
Land areas, population, productions, imports of poultry meat, poultry meat consumption and poultry meat production. Repercussions of Avian Influenza. Open trade vs protection policies. Possibility of developing the poultry industry in the Arab World 2 Musa Freiji

3 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Table (1) Arab Countries Land Areas ( 1000 Hectares) Cultivated land Arable Land Land Country %of Arable Area* % of Globe Area % of Arab World 19.18 7665 16.78 39956 17.29 238174 Algiers 0.06 1 73.32 1701 0.17 2320 Djibouti 84.70 2900 3.42 3424 7.27 100145 Egypt 11.75 1815 8.78 15450 12.77 175954 Lybia 1.23 488 38.76 39750 7.44 102552 Mouritania 27.64 8396 68.02 30376 3.24 44655 Morocco 2.37 1045 69.11 44071 4.63 63766 Somalia 12.06 16233 53.72 134600 18.19 250581 Sudan 28.32 2771 59.80 9784 1.19 16361 Tunisia 20.00 2 14.08 10 0.01 71 Bahrain 32.75 113 57.31 345 0.04 602 Palestine 57.39 5750 22.86 10019 3.18 43832 Iraq 25.83 295 12.86 1142 0.64 8878 Jordan 8.44 13 8.64 154 0.13 1782 Kuwait 51.67 170 31.63 329 0.08 1040 Lebanon 3.52 38 3.49 1080 2.25 30950 Oman 25.35 18 6.45 1100 Qatar 2.07 3600 80.85 173798 15.60 214969 Saudi Arabia 33.38 4593 74.30 13759 1.34 18518 Syria 13.42 75 6.69 559 0.61 8360 Arab Emirates 8.67 1538 33.59 17734 3.83 52797 Yemen 54.42 80 65.92 147 0.02 223 Comoros 10.70 58099 39.07 538259 100 Total Arab countries World 4.10 10.82 10.25 % Arab countries of world Source : * FAO 3 Musa Freiji

4 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Table (2) Arab World Population (in 1000) Poultry Farmers Farmers Population Country % of Farmers Number % of Population Number ** % of Arab World Number* 0.31 8.8 8.27 2800 10.25 33858 Algiers 0.00 - 32.65 272 0.25 833 Djibouti 0.18 15.6 11.38 8594 22.85 75498 Egypt 3.42 3.215 1.53 94 1.86 6160 Lybia 0.03 0.195 22.06 689 0.95 3124 Mauritania 0.21 9.14 13.76 4296 9.45 31224 Morocco 34.81 3028 2.63 8699 Somalia 0.05 3.64 20.55 7925 11.67 38560 Sudan 0.33 3.22 9.43 974 3.13 10327 Tunisia 5.00 0.15 0.40 3 0.23 753 Bahrain 0.85 2.41 7.09 285 1.21 4017 Palestine 0.27 1.66 2.10 609 8.77 28993 Iraq 1.63 3.17 3.29 195 1.79 5924 Jordan 8.53 1.28 0.53 15 0.86 2851 Kuwait 9.00 3.6 0.98 40 1.24 4099 Lebanon 0.06 0.235 13.95 362 0.79 2595 Oman 5.67 0.17 0.36 841 Qatar 2.08 13.15 2.56 633 7.48 24735 Saudi Arabia 5.135 8.21 1636 6.03 19929 Syria 1.43 0.96 67 1.33 4380 Arab Emirates 0.08 2.43 13.47 3016 6.77 22389 Yemen 0.09 39.59 270 682 Comoros 0.22 78.41 10.83 35806 100.00 330471 Total Arab countries 2318 20.26 World 3.38 2.66 4.97 % Arab countries of world Source :* UN ** FAO 4 Musa Freiji

5 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Table (3)Total Egg Production in the Arab World ( million eggs) Expected 2015 Actual 2005 Country Production Per Capita (eggs) Production* 3448 82 68 2191 Algiers 23 22 17 13.5 **Comoros 5915 62 52 3816.5 Egypt 1582 215 195 1102 Lybia 143 37 34 101 Mouritania 5896 146 133 4145.5 Morocco 1294 29 24 831.5 Sudan 2222 172 156 1546 Tunisia 58 60 54 40 **Bahrain 1044 200 170 683 Palestine 1681 50 33 864 **Iraq 1058 145 121 677 Jordan 614 182 165 428 ** Kuwait 1123 233 212 785 Lebanon 278 73 61 178 **Oman 180 163 **Qatar 3725 115 96 2383 Saudi Arabia 4075 2850 Syria 500 126 351 **Arab Emirates 1267 47 39 806 Yemen 36091 83 71 23893 Total Arab countries - 931846 World 2.56 % Arab countries of world Source :* FAO ** Importing countries 5 Musa Freiji

6 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Table (4) Total Egg Production in certain Industrial Countries Per Capita (eggs) 2005 production ( million eggs)* Country 299 88826 USA 209 6650 Canda 288 17416 France 172 10255 UK 325 13376 Spain 203 11667 Italy 324 41377 Japan Source :* FAO 6 Musa Freiji

7 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Table (5) Imports of Poultry Meat in most Arab Countries (1000MT) Expected 2015 *2005 Country 0.04 0.03 Algiers 6.76 5.20 Comoros 588.89 2.16 Egypt 0.26 0.02 Lybia 234.18 0.24 Morocco 0.05 Sudan Tunisia 29.61 19.74 Jordan 204.26 170.22 Kuwait 79.94 0.38 Lebanon ** 617.27 474.82 Saudi Arabia 0.17 0.13 Syria 126.19 97.07 Yemen 26.43 18.07 Bahrain 226.15 173.97 Iraq 26.99 20.76 Oman 31.71 24.39 Qatar 133.63 118.26 Arab Emirates 2333 1126 Total Source :* FAO **7000 tons Smuggled from Syria 7 Musa Freiji

8 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Table (6) Poultry Meat Consumption in most Arab Countries Expected 2015 Actual 2005 Country Per Capita (Kg) Qty (1000 tons) Qty* (1000 tons) 9.25 407.14 7.71 260.97 Algiers 10.80 9.58 8.31 5.67 Comoros 10.22 8.52 643.32 Egypt 23.85 190.99 18.35 113.04 Lybia 11.68 455.87 9.73 303.70 Morocco 1.00 50.13 0.77 29.59 Sudan 12.21 151.31 9.39 96.96 Tunisia 26.53 204.31 22.11 130.98 Jordan 60.00 222.38 57.10 162.79 Kuwait 28.04 143.67 23.37 95.80 Lebanon 42.38 38.53 953.00 Saudi Arabia 8.74 179.40 6.72 133.99 Syria 10.98 319.58 9.15 204.95 Yemen 38.50 37.69 35.00 26.36 Bahrain 11.05 416.48 8.50 231.94 Iraq 18.50 62.41 15.42 40.01 Oman 37.24 40.71 28.65 24.09 Qatar 46.34 263.86 42.13 184.53 Arab Emirates 14.89 12.28 3642 Totale Source :* FAO 8 Musa Freiji

9 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Table ( 7 ) Production of Poultry Meat in the Arab World Expected 2015 Actual 2005 Country Qty.(1000 tons) Per Capita (Kg) *Qty.(1000 tons) 407.10 9.25 7.65 259.10 Algiers 2.82 3.18 0.67 0.56 **Comoros 414.18 4.22 8.57 647.39 Egypt 190.73 23.82 18.35 113.06 Lybia 9.34 2.30 1.92 6.00 **Mauritania 221.69 5.68 10.03 313.19 **Morocco 50.08 1.00 0.75 29.05 Sudan 151.27 11.72 9.75 100.64 Tunisia 11.26 11.50 7.97 **Bahrain 132.12 25.30 21.09 84.70 Palestine 190.33 5.05 1.86 54.00 **Iraq 171.70 22.30 22.39 132.64 **Jordan 18.12 4.89 16.32 46.53 **Kuwait 63.73 12.96 33.20 136.09 **Lebanon 35.42 10.50 2.31 **Oman 4.04 3.70 5.71 4.80 **Qatar 745.48 23.18 22.01 544.50 Saudi Arabia 179.23 6.92 6.65 132.49 Syria 130.23 22.87 7.95 34.80 **Arab Emirates 193.39 6.64 5.06 113.20 **Yemen 3322 8.28 8.62 2765 Total Arab World 11.15 74156 World 3.73 % Arab World of World Source :* FAO ** Importing Countries 9 Musa Freiji

10 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Table (8) Poultry Meat Production in certain Industrial Countries Per Capita (Kg) * Production 2005 (1000 tons) Country 53.68 15945 USA 31.50 1000 Canda 20.34 1229 France 22.80 1360 UK 25.48 1048 Spain 12.17 698 Italy 10.48 1339 Japan Source : * FAO 10 Musa Freiji

11 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Repercussions of Avian Influenza HPAI since 1997 The importance of this disease Use of vaccination Certain biosecurity measures Industrial countries = stamping out Developing countries = Vaccination LPAI H9 in the Asiatic Arab countries since 2002 11 Musa Freiji

12 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Repercussions of Avian Influenza (cont) HPAI H5N1 in Egypt early 2006 40 % lost in 6 weeks Rural free range . Primitive houses within villages Delay in permitting use of vaccine No human casualties in commercial poultry 22 Humans fatalities restricted to rural areas 70 % of poultry sales in live markets Prevention of live markets = uneffective Examination of sera samples prerequisite to moving birds 12 Musa Freiji

13 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Repercussions of Avian Influenza ( cont. ) HPAI in Egypt (cont) Above incidences and measures resulted in shortage of supply. Government allowed imports free from duty Threat to remove import duty altogether Position of private sector Lessons learnt from the Egyptian AI epidemic: Impose biosecurity Impose minimum distances between farms Impose one age group . 13 Musa Freiji

14 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Repercussions of Avian Influenza ( cont. ) Lessons learnt from the Egyptian AI epidemic: (cont) Extend free laboratory diagnostic services Vaccinate rular poultry Allow Vaccination against prevalent strains Prevent wild bird hunting Impose housing of rular poultry 14 Musa Freiji

15 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Open Trade vs protection policies The interest of citizens and the economic policies Private sector invests where the benefit is clear USA and Europe exercised incentives for decades US “ Farm Bill” = $180 billion subsidy Europe’s “ Common Agricultural Policy “ = Eur billion subsidy USA and Europe justify agriculture subsidy: Ensure stable supply of food Provide reasonable standard of living to farmers Ensure farming in all regions Improve quality and safety of food Ensure environment protection Provide animal health and welfare 15 Musa Freiji

16 The poultry Industry in the Arab World
Open trade vs protection policies (Cont.) Farm subsidies in USA & Europe = 0.5 % of G.D.P Developing countries cannot subsidise We should complement industrial countries for subsiding agriculture: Provided self sufficiency Encouraged exports Encouraged innovation, improved productivity and technological advancements 16 Musa Freiji

17 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Open trade vs protection policies (Cont.) Developing countries need to be criticized for exercising open trade policies Scare investors Encourage emigration of qualified citizens Balanced economies in the developed world USA became the largest exporter of corn and soybeans USA and Europe became self sufficient in most other agricultural products Canada protects dairy , poultry , and meat farmers Japan prevents imports of rice and beef 17 Musa Freiji

18 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Open trade vs protection policies (Cont.) WTO agricultural trade agreements do not exist yet Agricultural subsidies in the Arab world Saudi Arabia Arab Emirates GAFTA between Arab countries since 2005 Arab countries should resort to bilateral trade agreements and not free trade agreements 18 Musa Freiji

19 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Possibility of Developing the Poultry Industry Table egg production Imports of largest 13 Arab Countries = 383 million = 415 million Representing 1.95 % of production Poultry meat production Cost is double that of Brazil & USA Imports of Arab countries in 2005 is million tons or 31 % of consumption 19 Musa Freiji

20 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Possibility of Developing the Poultry Industry (Cont) Poultry meat production Imports of largest 13 Arab countries = 465,000 MT = 770,000 MT or 66% increase when import duties ranged from 20 to 70 % Conditions for the development 1- Maintain or increase import duties 2- Reduce cost of production by 70 % Increasing or maintaining import duties improbable 20 Musa Freiji

21 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Possibility of Developing the Poultry Industry (Cont) Reduction of Cost of production Improving productivity reduces cost by 30 % Mortality less than 5 % FCR less than 1.7 Chick production per hen housed 135 or more Producing needed corn and protein meals reduces cost by 40 % Ethanol production in USA doubled price of corn and increased price of soya by 35 % USA targets doubling ethanol production by 2015 This means prices of such products will remain high 21 Musa Freiji

22 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Possibility of Developing the Poultry Industry (Cont) Reduction of Cost of production ( cont ) Production of corn and soybean has become feasible in certain Arab countries Sudan is self sufficient in sorghum production and exports sesame and peanuts Sudan cultivates 16 out of 1.5 million hectares of cultivable land 22 Musa Freiji

23 The Poultry Industry in the Arab World
Conclusion Table egg production will continue Poultry meat production will decrease Avian Influenza prevention control require serious and strict measures and policies. Developing the poultry meat industry requires : Either protecting the local industries, which is unlikely , or Reducing cost of production via : Improving productivity Producing feed ingredients 23 Musa Freiji

24 Thank you 24 Musa Freiji

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