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Pond bloom monitoring & management

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1 Pond bloom monitoring & management
“Characterising and managing harmful algal blooms that cause production loss on Australian prawn farms” FRDC #2013/231 David Mann Bribie Island Research Centre

2 Heterosigma Identification Occurrence Mechanism of harm
Control options

3 1. Identification Identification is not straight-forward
Apical groove & flagella ‘Potato’ ‘Cornflake’ 1. Identification Microscopic ID features two flagella & groove near front swimming corkscrew or similar to dinoflagellate killed cells form ‘raspberry’ - good diagnostic Identification is not straight-forward one farm strain – 5 cell morphologies observed ‘cornflake’ replaced with ‘potato’ last season ‘Snot’ test is a strong diagnostic tool can give false negative Two species of Heterosigma 4 strains isolated from 4 farms DNA sequenced 1x H. akashiwo & 1x Heterosigma species undescribed Raspberry form of fixed cells Mucus aggregations Differentiation of Heterosigma species impossible in fixed samples (Demir-Hilton, Hutchins et al. 2012) This characteristic of H. akashiwo has resulted in the assignment of several different names to this organism over the years Can change shape in response to the physiochemical characteristics of its environment This is not unusual – eg Hara and Chihara 1987 – observed five to six different H. akashiwo morphologies in cultures Identification of raphidophyte species in environmental samples is challenging because they lack a cell wall and specimens are poorly preserved with common fixatives. Different morphologies and different behaviours) Heterosigma is pleomorphic (can change size & shape) swimming similar to dinoflagellate (rotates as moves forward); some difference among shapes two flagella – one forward and one trailing, both arising from a groove back from the top killed cells (eg Lugols, acid) form ‘raspberry’ acidification causes mucus development which aggregates into threads or clumps

4 2. Occurrence Heterosigma can occur any time, anywhere
Rapid bloom development high growth rate potential ability to form resting cells and cysts synchronous ‘hatch’  rapid bloom Heterosigma can occur any time, anywhere north to south; crop start to finish blooms recorded 23°C to 33°C blooms unpredictable regular pond monitoring Resting cell Cyst Kok The study observed that H. akashiwo strains grew well under the pulsed supply of three N-sources— ammonium, nitrate, and urea. Growth rate values suggest its ability to out-grow diatom species. Light experiments also demonstrated the ability of H. akashiwo to tolerate decreased light conditions, which allow it to thrive at depth. The ability to accumulate intracellular stores of N-nutrients was also demonstrated and can be important for sustaining cell productivity. Bloom occurrences of the H. akashiwo species might be driven by its ability to form cysts or resting cells when environmental conditions are not suitable for growth (note global distribution – Iceland through the tropics to Tasmania)

5 3. Mechanism of harm H. akashiwo strain is toxic
‘Snot’ gill fouling water quality shock may trigger rapid ‘snot’ release from live cells H. akashiwo strain is toxic killed fish larvae (20-30mm) in hours reduced fish gill cell viability P. monodon juveniles not affected over days However... field evidence indicates potential other toxins or circumstances ? Fish larvae killed rapidly Juvenile prawns no symptoms Live cell within ejected mucus (stained blue) Heterosigma known for its variability in cell physiology and behaviour, and may produce more than one toxic compound as indicated by field evidence (impacts on other biota) Therefore not sure about toxin relevance to prawns mucopolysaccharide)

6 4. Control options Heterosigma-specific management tools
Alternative controls that do not cause pond destabilisation Inhibit growth or kill cells Reduce release and impact of mucus Options being tested Surfactant compounds safe, biodegradable (used in soaps etc) LDAO, CAPB (derived from coconut oil) Ultrasound Heterosigma lacks a robust cell wall Clay eg bentonite 2ppm CAPD for 1h 2ppm LDAO for 1h Heterosigma is versatile so basic WQ manipulation less likely to be a viable option.

7 More information... Refer to APFA website project reports
Algal Directory Online - Contact me Bribie Island Research Centre ;

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