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8 week challenge.

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1 8 week challenge

2 8 week challenge What is it?
A school based day of activities. Bikes/sports/film shows/computing based activities/treasure hunts/science experiments/cooking/ board games/ inflatables sessions …. or anything else you can persuade your teachers to run! 8 week challenge

3 8 week challenge When? Wednesday 26th June 2 sessions
Session 1 – p3 and p4 Session 2 – p5 and p6 8 week challenge

4 For who? All year groups and based on referrals. There will be a “clean slate” from the launch this week so all students are eligible. Those deemed not eligible by the end of the eight weeks (your PTG and DHT will decide) will not take part and will work in classrooms on school work instead. 8 week challenge

5 When? “The 8 week challenge” will be launched this week in Personal Support. There are eight school weeks until week ending 21st June when referrals will be looked at by PTG and DHTs and those eligible will be notified by a letter. 8 week challenge

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