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The Robert Carr Fund’s Strategic Planning Exercise

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1 The Robert Carr Fund’s Strategic Planning Exercise
An Open Call for Community Perspectives

2 The RCF wants to hear from you to help shape its future.
The Robert Carr Fund (RCF) has been operational since 2012, serving as a pooled funding mechanism to support global and regional networks serving Inadequately Served Populations (ISPs).  In November 2018, the RCF’s International Steering Committee (ISC) made a decision to initiate the development of a 5-year strategic plan, to guide the RCF from 2020 till   This process is being guided and overseen by a Strategy Working Group. The RCF wants to hear from you to help shape its future. Overview Presenter: Simply read slide content. FOR REFERENCE: The RCF definition of ISPs includes: People living with HIV (PLHIV) Gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) Transgender people People who use drugs Sex workers Prisoners In some settings, the following might also be considered ISPs based on epidemic context: Women and girls Youth Migrants People living in rural areas

3 The Robert Carr Fund’s strategic planning exercise has three objectives:
Build on achievements and lessons learned from to chart a path forward for   Refresh and articulate the RCF mission and vision statements to reflect and showcase  RCF’s unique role and value in the evolving global HIV and related public health responses and architecture.  Outline a path for the RCF to mobilize resources to optimize and sustain the responses from global and regional civil society networks to HIV, bridging the grant cycles of and   Objectives Presenter: Simply read slide content. FOR REFERENCE: The following text accompanies each objective: 1. The Fund’s real experiences of operating within the overall global HIV response for the last six years as a partnership of donor and civil society partners have demonstrated the RCF’s and our grantees’ unique role and value-add in the global HIV response in By examining what has worked and what we have learned to do better, the Fund will set priorities for continued implementation and growth during the strategy period. 2. The clarity of our vision and relevance of our mission should resonate with the current external environment (e.g. epidemiological trends, developments in HIV technology and approaches, changes in funding landscape and civic space, existing constellation of HIV/AIDS institutions and processes etc.), and reflect where the Fund fits within and adds value to it.  By refreshing these core statements, the Fund will enhance its ability to communicate and promote its work and value during the strategy period. 3. The Fund’s clear vision and course forward, relevant mission, our responsive and dynamic nature, and our demonstrated added value will support increased sustainability and resource mobilization both for the Fund itself and for ISP networks at large. By bringing these elements together to reflect on growth and resource needs, the Fund will identify key resource mobilization goals and approaches for the strategy period.  

4 There are four phases of work in the strategic planning exercise:
Phase I: Data Gathering, Analysis and Consultations February-April 2019 Phase II: Strategic Plan Drafting and Validation April-May 2019 Phase III: Internal Review May-August 2019 Phase IV: Finalization August-September 2019 Phases I & II are shaped by stakeholder input and feedback – so engage now! Process & Timeline Presenter: Read first line and go quickly through bullets. Emphasize that the first two phases are where stakeholder engagement happens. And that they are occurring NOW.

5 Community Involvement
In line with RCF’s core values and function development of the Strategy will be consultative and participatory. The RCF is seeking the broadest possible input in developing its Strategy, which is why it is engaging you during this webinar, hosted by your Regional Platform. Methods of engagement will include: Stakeholder survey (on-line) RCF Collective consultation (in-person) Key informant interviews (by phone) Community Involvement Presenter: Simply read slide. FOR REFERENCE: This will involve input from a full range of the RCF’s collective, which includes the International Steering Committee, the Program Advisory Panel, grantees, funding partners, the Fund Management Agent and the RCF Secretariat. The process will also consult key external partners i.e. broader community of donors, civil society, communities of ISP, technical partners etc.

6 The RCF is seeking the broadest-possible stakeholder feedback through a stakeholder survey, which will shape the major issues and trends to be addressed by the Strategy. Available in English, Spanish, French and Russian The survey asks about individual perspectives and experiences with the RCF, and opinions on how the Fund should grow and evolve over the next five years. This survey is your opportunity to influence the development of the RCF Strategy for Survey Presenter: Read bullets on the slide. Advise that survey is targeted to be available by next Monday, March 25th. Each regional platform will send out a link for access. FOR REFERENCE: The survey will only be available online The survey will be open for two weeks It will be open to any individual who wants to fill it out; there is no limit to the number of individuals from a single organization who can do so The survey is anonymous

7 Other Consultation & Interviews
After the survey, additional participatory feedback and influencing opportunities will include: An in-person consultation of the RCF Collective, and April 2019 Up to 60 participants In-depth interviews with key stakeholders representing a balance of ISPs and geographical coverage (to be determined by Strategy Working Group) May 2019 Up to 20 interviews Other Consultation & Interviews Presenter: Simply read slide. Emphasize that the survey is the most pressing and guaranteed opportunity for engagement.

8 This process is being supported by APMG Health, a consulting group based in Washington, DC.
For more information about the survey and stakeholder participation, please contact:

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