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Miss Cousens Miss Bacon Mrs Johnson Miss Mathias Mrs Slaughter Mrs Rea

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Cousens Miss Bacon Mrs Johnson Miss Mathias Mrs Slaughter Mrs Rea"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Cousens Miss Bacon Mrs Johnson Miss Mathias Mrs Slaughter Mrs Rea
Welcome to Reception Miss Cousens Miss Bacon Mrs Johnson Miss Mathias Mrs Slaughter Mrs Rea

2 How we learn In year R we learn through play, group work and carpet time. We are able to learn indoors and outdoors in all weathers! By the end of year R we hope to meet the early learning goals in the EYFS which is split into 7 areas, 3 prime and 4 specific. Your child will have a tapestry account that you will soon have a login for, you are encouraged to respond to observations and add your own, we will only be able to add pictures to your child’s tapestry account if you have returned the photo consent form.

3 Daily essentials Named water bottle (only water allowed)
Named clothes and shoes Healthy snack (fruit or vegetables) Named waterproof coat Book bag (no snack or bottles in here please)

4 Reading At St. Margaret’s we strongly recommend and muchly appreciate you and others at home reading with and to your child everyday. We will be sending home a reading diary where you can record the books you have read with and to your child. Rewards are given to those who are reading lots at home! READING WITH YOUR CHILD IS SO IMPORTANT – IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE!!!

Reading at School Terrific Tuesday’s – 1.30 – 3.00 (you are welcome to come in to read with a variety of reception children for as long or as little as you can) If you are able to come in any other time during the week to read with children please speak to the class teacher, we would be hugely grateful! (ONLY IF YOU HOLD A SCHOOL DBS) Library slot 1:1 reading Group reading Story time Colour banded books On the school website, there is a video where Mrs Cooper models how we carry out group reading.

6 Writing In reception we are encouraging the children to form letters correctly and we even challenge them to use cursive when they are ready. Before summer we gave you a laminated name card which the children can write over, trace and copy. Please help and encourage your child to write their name. You can make writing fun at home such as using chalk, watering cans, paint, sand, rice, cornflour and shaving foam!

7 Maths Please help and encourage your child at home and when out and about to start counting, identifying shapes, colours and beginning to make comparisons. To make this fun at home you can play games, make up games and include it in your day-to-day routines, for example “please can you bring me 4 forks to lay the table?”.

8 Parents Meetings This year in reception we are going to do our structured conversations at the same time as the rest of the school, you will sign up to these appointments on Parent Mail and you will be ed information in due course. Autumn term – 16th and 17th October 2018 Spring term – 26th and 27th March 2019 In reception we also do an optional third meeting in the summer term to discuss your child’s next steps to prepare them for year 1. for this particular meeting you will sign up nearer the time through the class teachers. Summer term – 20th, 21st, 23rd and 24th May 2019

9 Information PPA Tapestry – email arriving soon
Open afternoon – Thursday 18th October

10 Class Teddy In reception both classes have their own teddy, and each child will be given the opportunity to take the teddy home for a weekend! Over the weekend it is up to the child to decide what the teddy does, it could be as adventurous as they or you would like. The teddy will come home with a book and it is up to your child what they want to include however, we would really like to see a picture and the child's voice through the writing, 2 pages per child please. Please bring the teddies back on the following Monday.

11 Notices From Monday we will take water bottles outside at the end of the day for parents to pick up as the children have too much to carry for their little arms. Please can you bring in their ‘All about me’ books and decorated folders by next Wednesday (26th September2018). There is a notice board outside of ladybird class under the covered area that will include any news, messages or information that we need to give you all.

12 Reminders Just a polite reminder when waiting to come in, in the morning please make sure your child is waiting nicely with you and are not on the ramp as this is disabled access for other pupils. Also we understand that everyone is in a rush in the morning but please be patient when coming in and if wanting to catch any of the teachers. As you children have settled so well into reception we politely ask if you can say goodbye at the door and give them the independence to put their belongings away themselves.

13 Thank you for coming! If you ever have a question or concern we are available before and after school and are always happy to help.

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