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Building blocks of creating sentences.. Sentences begin with subjects (nouns or pronouns) Noun: Person, place or thing (Kellen Moore is a person/Boise,

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Presentation on theme: "Building blocks of creating sentences.. Sentences begin with subjects (nouns or pronouns) Noun: Person, place or thing (Kellen Moore is a person/Boise,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building blocks of creating sentences.

2 Sentences begin with subjects (nouns or pronouns) Noun: Person, place or thing (Kellen Moore is a person/Boise, ID is a place/ a Bronco is a thing. Pronoun: replaces a noun (I, you, he, she, it, we, yall, & they are all pronouns)

3 In English, we use subject pronouns to replace names: Sra. Hamlin could be: she Jose could be: he

4 In Spanish, everything is always organized. Subject pronouns are organized into a 6 box chart

5 Here are the English subject pronouns. Iwe you (familiar)you all (familiar) Hethey (masculine) Shethey (feminine) you (formal)you all (formal)

6 Here are the corresponding Spanish subject pronouns. yonosotros/as túvosotros/as élellos ellaellas ustedustedes

7 Double check your chart to be sure that you have these matched up: Yo/INosotros/we Tú/you (familiar) Vosotros/you all (familiar) Él/heEllos/they (masculine) Ella/sheEllas/they (feminine) Usted/you (formal)Ustedes/you all (formal)

8 When speaking about a group of people in which there are mixed genders, always use the MASCULINE gender. Por ejemplo: Juan y Maria = ellos Juan y Miguel = ellos Maria y Lola = ellas

9 When using nosotros and vosotros, notice that these two can be completely feminine. Nosotros/nosotras We a female talking, in a group of all females Vosotros/vosotras you all talking to a group of only females

10 Match up a Spanish subject pronoun with each example. 1. Mario 2. Sr. Rivera 3. you (formal) 4. My sister and I 5. My brothers 6. Greg and Ashley 7. George, Jeff, Ben, and Jenny 8. you all (to a group of women)

11 Make a notecard with the subject pronouns on it, both in ENGLISH and SPANISH. Using packing tape or scotch tape, LAMINATE the card. Everything you do from now on in Spanish will use these pronouns. Hole punch and keep this card at the FRONT of your binder. Print off worksheets #67, 68, 69, 70 from the blog for this week.

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