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Justice and Mental Health Collaborative

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Presentation on theme: "Justice and Mental Health Collaborative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Justice and Mental Health Collaborative
February 22nd, 2019 Lorrie Rickman Jones, Ph.D. Facilitator

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Updates Bond Court Screening Project
Fitness Diversion Project JMHC Meeting

3 Updates Leticia Reyes-Nash, M.B.A
Cook County Health and Hospitals System Tom Lyons, Ph.D. Office of the Chief Judge/Probation JMHC Meeting

4 Bond Court Screening Update
Mary Sajdak, MS Cook County Health and Hospitals System JMHC Meeting

5 Fitness Diversion Project Update
Judge Sharon Sullivan Presiding Judge County Division JMHC Meeting

6 Overview Pilot began at Harrison/Kedzie courthouse on December 10th
Currently focusing on clients with misdemeanor charges who are out on bond Goals: Instead of a BCX and potential forensic treatment , connect clients to therapeutic treatment in inpatient or outpatient settings, as deemed medically appropriate Community provider (Westside Community Triage and Wellness Center) hand-off and connection throughout the process to increase connectivity to care and streamline transitions Reduce # of BCX issued  reduce length of stay in jail for clients with serious mental illnesses JMHC Meeting

7 Observations So Far Strong partner in Judge Kuzas
State’s Attorney’s Office and Public Defender’s Office has shown great collaboration and leadership in designing processes and identifying clients Westside CTC has responded quickly to calls Working with Madden to troubleshoot medical clearance, triage of patients on that end and communication with Westside Working with Cermak for improved communication between Cermak and Westside Working with Chicago Police Department and Sheriff’s Office to resolve transportation JMHC Meeting

8 Resolved Issues ✓ Court orders finalized/court report templates finalized ✓Finding space at Harrison Court for MCR team ✓ Determine if secure /fax can be used to send reports to the court ✓ Finalized plan to use D&E orders by the Judge to commit individuals to Madden ✓ Information on these cases to be tracked by ASA and shared ✓ Prioritization of hospitals used in cases where 911 must be called ✓ ROI finalized and/or court order requires reporting of limited clinical information to the courts ✓ Madden troubleshooting regarding medical clearance and quick triage of cases; Westside CTC notifying Madden when cases are coming through later that day JMHC Meeting

9 Persisting Issues Transportation
Chicago Police Department and Sheriff’s Office’s jurisdictions/complementary roles  custody, who should be the Peace Officers transporting? What paperwork and processes/protocol do the agencies need? Which agency transports if client is perceived to be harmful to self or others? How to transport client to court-ordered evaluation at Madden in a trauma-informed manner? JMHC Meeting

10 Next Steps Resolve fitness pilot issues
Next meeting: May 7th, 12-1:30pm JMHC Meeting

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