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SRS Strategic Map Progress

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1 SRS Strategic Map Progress
September 2017 Strong Moderate Minor/none A B C D E Strengthen Membership Communication and Engagement Maximize Impact of Advocacy and Outreach Enhance Vibrancy of Scientific Offerings Strengthen the Quality of Career Development Programs and Services Increase Resources to Achieve Goals Determine Benefits the SRS Needs to Provide to Maximize Membership Value Maintain a Washington DC Lobbying Presence Evaluate Partnership Benefit and Viability Increase Trainee Selectivity Seek Industry Funding to Train Academic Physicians in Sleep Research Determine Optimal Communication Strategies and Tools Engage NIH Frequently Regarding Research Priorities Develop an Identity and Contributions Distinct From the Partnership Target Training Opportunities to the Appropriate Trainee Level Seek Funding to Support Training and Education Conferences A1: maybe the BOD just needs to better see Membership work in this area A2: new social media outlets; updates of website content A3: updates; new info on web site; journal SLEEP needs to be used better for this A4: Awards, grants, etc, but none of those are really new; Membership Comm activities not addressing original intent; likely an issue of poor communication of that intent A5: Social media, updates; Communications efforts; Membership activities (sending solicitation letters to non-members) not really addressing B6: BOD needs to see activities if PPC/OUP better; PPC activities just started in this area C4: strong efforts on APSS meeting, just started on journal and SRS meeting C5: really only Rapid Fire sessions at SLEEP; SLEEP reviewer training just started D1: omics, Precision Medicine, Leadership/grant workshop at SLEEP, more merit based travel awards D2: TEAC activities stronger here than Pipeline. D3: Pipeline put “reports” in place, but not clear how they will be used; should cross over with TEAC in future D4: mentor-mentee awards D5: new effort from TEAC; recruited international trainee into SLEEP mentor-mentee and peer-matching D6: TSS dropped off some; mentor-mentee programs Give Members a Greater Sense of Ownership in the Society Expand Outreach to Other Funding Agencies/Sources Develop New SRS Meetings and Forums Develop Cross-Lab Training Opportunities Seek Funding to Train Non-Clinician Investigators Find Ways to Recognize Members’ Contributions and Excellence Explore International Funding Sources Proactively Incorporate Cutting-Edge Research into the Meeting/Journal Improve Metrics to Measure Success of Training Programs Increase Membership Revenue Implement Novel Strategies to Engage Non-member Sleep Research Community Enthusiastically Support the CDC National Sleep Awareness Project Increase Trainee Research Contributions at Meetings/in Journal Define and Promote Global Trainee Opportunities Identify New Revenue Streams Facilitate Media Outreach Facilitate JR/SR Networking and Mentoring Develop Financial Plan to Support Priorities Develop Strategic Partnerships Increase Organizational Effectiveness and Adaptability

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