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2 Clarification of all rules can made by emailing the Race Director prior to the event at anytime.
General Vehicle Rules All Vehicles must comply with the dimensional requirements contained in this rulebook Vehicles must use the provided hydrogen fuel cell and hydrtostiks Vehicles batteries, hydrostiks, and hydrogen fuel cell must be securely mounted Telemetry is allowed but frequency must be noted in Inspection Sheet No hazardous bumpers, nerf bars, chassis extensions or other objects protruding from the vehicle are allowed The provided chassis can be used but is not required. You may build or use any chassis that meets the dimensional requirements Multiple chassis at the racing venue are strictly forbidden. Each team is allowed to bring spare parts for their chassis. All vehicle parts except for the chassis plate can be replaced during the race; such as, the plate will be marked by the organizer upon the initial inspection

3 Motor Radio Control Bumper Only brushed motors are allowed
There is no limitation to motor turns Other engine’s maximal parameters are: FWD cont./Burst Current 40A/180A BWD cont./Burst Current 20A/90A RPM Motor Radio Control Radio control systems are limited to 2.4GHz DSM/DSS Systems Transmitters are limited to the manufacturer’s recommended voltage. External transmitter battery packs are not permitted Bumper Bumpers are required, they must be shock absorbing and non-metallic with no sharp edges. For safety, rigid bumpers, such as fiberglass and composites are not permitted Front bumpers must be of at least 1/8’’ (3mm) material thick. Bumpers will not extend forward of the body. The bumper may not extend to the side beyond the outer edge of the tires Rear bumpers are allowed and must be made of shock absorbing material with rounded edges and may not extend to the side beyond the outer edges of the tires and may not extend beyond the rearmost part of the body

4 Body Sharp or otherwise dangerous parts or features on a body are not permitted. All vehicles must have a readily removable body. The body and chassis must be securely joined at all times while the vehicle is on the track. Rubber bands are not allowed for this purpose. If a body comes off a vehicle during a race, the vehicle must be taken off the track and the body properly replaced before the car may enter back into the race. A body can be made of Lexan, plastic or any durable material (please contact Race Director if you are using a material other than lexan or plastic) and formed by 3d printing, injection molding, or vacuum forming but must meet all dimensional requirements. (see dimensions chart) Cutting holes in the body is only allowed for the wheel wells, antenna, and body post.

5 Spoilers & Wings Wheels & Tires Definition:
For the purposes of these rules, a spoiler is a flat plate attached to a body or to the trailing edge of a wing in order to increase downforce and traction when a vehicle is traveling at speed. Wings are aerodynamic devices attached to vehicles to increase downforce and traction when a vehicle is traveling at speed. Spoilers or wings may not extend beyond the width of the body. Only single element or two-element wings may be used Wing must be mounted to the rear of the car using at least 2 screws Wings can not be wider than the car or taller than the car Wheels & Tires Driven wheels are not specified. It is fully up to the students to decide whether their vehicle will be rear/front 2WD or even a 4WD. Rubber: A tire molded using rubber or similar synthetic material. Tires may be smooth, spiked, or treaded. Foam inserts are allowed but may not be bonded or glued to the tire. Pre-built rubber tire/insert/wheel combinations are allowed. Foam: A tire composed solely of foam rubber. Tires may be bonded to the wheel. Rubber or Foam tires are allowed

6 Total ammount of energy
Batteries Each team will receive a set of 4 NiMh batteries with a capacity of 3600mAh for a total of mAh. Batteries must be charged prior to Inspection. Recharging batteries during the race is prohibited. Nickle Metal Hydrate cell capacity, charging and storage: Six cells max Individual cells used in the construction of the battery shall be rated at 1.2v nominal. 6 cell NiMh batteries may be charged to a maximum of 8.7v Hydrostiks No more than 20 Hydrostik Pro’s per team is allowed for 6 hour race. In the case of a 4-hour race, only 16 hydro-cyclists is allowed Each team must bring fully charged Hydrostik Pro’s to the race, and hand them over to the race director during Tech Inspection. Recharging of Hydrostiks during the race is strictly prohibitted. Total ammount of energy Type of race Duration Batteries Hydrostiks 1st practice 3 hours N/A 2nd practice 4 hours 3 20 Final race 5 hours 4

7 Dimensional specification
The car will be checked as a whole piece for technical inspection. All parameters must remain unchanged throughout the race. All parameters are given in millimeters in the following table. Dimensional specification Minimum Maximum Vehicle length - 470 Vehicle width 185 235 Vehicle height 150 Ground Clearance 4 Front Wheel Diameter 66 Front Wheel Width 26 30 Rear Wheel Diameter Rear Wheel Width 50

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