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A Few More Wrist, Hand, & Finger Injuries

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1 A Few More Wrist, Hand, & Finger Injuries
Injuries, Part 3 A Few More Wrist, Hand, & Finger Injuries

2 “Before & After” BELLWORK
On a piece of notebook paper, draw two columns. Label the first column ‘Before’ and the second column ‘After.’ Then answer the following questions under the ‘Before’ column. Put the paper aside until the end of class. 1. How does inflammation occur? 2. What is tendonitis? 3. What are symptoms of tendonitis? 4. What is the treatment for tendonitis? This activity is used in Bellwork as a pretest and then in the Closure as an assessment of new learning. At this point in the lesson, students probably will not answer the questions correctly. Teacher instructs students to put Before and After aside until the end of the lesson. TEACHER! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CHANGE QUESTIONS TO FIT YOUR PRESENTATION! IF YOU DO, CHANGE THE LESSON, AND ALL SLIDES THAT PERTAIN TO THEM

3 Objectives Differentiate between chronic hand & wrist injuries and their mechanisms, signs & symptoms, and treatments.

Think-Pair-List Think back to the various treatments for injuries that we have learned about and recorded on your Injury Tracker. Make a list with your neighbor. Share. 3. Think-pair-share teacher presents a question teacher gives wait time for student to form answer teacher instructs students to share their answer with a partner teacher calls on non-volunteers to share with the class PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 3

5 Terminology Carpal tunnel: area on the anterior wrist where the median nerve and tendons cross the wrist and are enclosed by the transverse carpal ligament Paresthesia: tingling sensation or loss of normal sensation

6 Chronic Injuries Carpal tunnel syndrome Wrist tendonitis

7 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Mechanism: Inflammation of the tendons passing through the carpal tunnel leads to compression of the median nerve. This injury occurs most often in sports requiring repeated wrist flexion. Signs & Symptoms: Pain Paresthesia Muscle weakness – thumb, index and middle fingers Treatment: Ice NSAIDs Immobilization Surgery may be indicated if symptoms don’t decrease

8 Wrist Carpal Tunnel

9 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

10 Wrist tendonitis Mechanism: Signs & Symptoms: Treatment:
Chronic injury caused by repetitive wrist flexion Often occurs in racquet or rowing sports Signs & Symptoms: Pain with active or passive movement Decreased muscle strength Treatment: Rest Ice Splint or pad Rehabilitation to increase flexibility and strength

11 Jersey Finger Mechanism Signs & Symptoms Treatment
Common in football & other contact sports when a player grabs another player’s jersey who is running away. Their hand gets caught in fabric & the flexor digitorum profundus tendon is ruptured. Signs & Symptoms Pop or snap heard or felt at the time of injury Pain Swelling Inability to move the DIP joint Possible palpable deformity in the palm Mallet finger deformity Treatment REFER FOR SURGERY! If this injury is ignored permanent loss of function occurs

12 De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Mechanism Overuse of the extensor pollicus brevis and or longus tendons causing inflammation of the tendon sheath Repetitive hand & wrist movement Such as what? Signs & Symptoms Pain near the base of the thumb Possible swelling Decreased ROM & function of the thumb “Sticking” or jumpy sensation in your thumb while moving Treatment Rest & ice Immobilize with a splint or brace for 2-3 weeks during rehab ROM & stretching, along with massage to break down the inflammation Referral for possible surgery if there’s no relief


14 Other Finger Deformities

15 “What’s My Injury?” With a partner, choose an injury from today’s lesson. Write a creative scenario for that injury including the mechanism, signs & symptoms, and treatment. Be prepared to share your injury with the class.

16 “Before & After” CLOSURE
On your bellwork sheet, answer the following questions in the ‘After’ column. This will assess your new learning for the day! 1. How does inflammation occur? 2. What is tendonitis? 3. What are the symptoms of tendonitis? 4. What is the treatment for tendonitis

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