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Data Structures (CS301) Linked List and its implementation

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1 Data Structures (CS301) Linked List and its implementation
Virtual University of Pakistan

2 Objective Objective of this presentation is to teach you the concept and implementation of list data structure by using linked list Virtual University PAkistan

3 What is a linked list? It is a dynamic data structure.
Linked list consist of series of nodes Chain the nodes together to form a linked list Structure of each node is like the one given below Data Next 1000 Virtual University PAkistan

4 Linked list Analogy to a train
Insert a node with value ‘2’ in existing list

5 Graphical Representation of Linked List
Picture of our list (2, 6, 8, 7, 1) stored as a linked list: 8000 1000 2 3000 6 5000 8 2000 7 6000 1 headNode lastcurrentNode currentNode Size = 5 Virtual University PAkistan

6 C++ Code for linked list
We need two classes to implement linked list: Node Class List class In addition to linked list class and node class, we also need a function main() from where execution of our program will start. Virtual University PAkistan

7 Example Create a list of students using linked list data structure.

8 Defining a Node class (Student)
class Student { char* Rollno; Student *NextStudent; public: Student() // Constructor Rollno=""; NextStudent=NULL; } void Set_RollNo(char* rno) //Setter function to set data member Rollno Rollno = rno; char* Get_RollNo() //Getter function to get value of Rollno return Rollno;

9 Node class (Student) Con’t
void SetNextStudent(Student *NS) //Setter function to set NextStudent { NextStudent = NS; } Student* getNextStudent() //Getter function to get value of NextStudent return NextStudent; };

10 StudentList class class StudentList { private:
Student *HeadStudent,*CurrentStudent; public: StudentList::StudentList() // Constructor HeadStudent = new Student(); HeadStudent->SetNextStudent(NULL); CurrentStudent = NULL; } HeadStudent 8000 8000 CurrentStudent NULL

11 Add function void Add_Student(char* rno) // Function to add students in list { Student *NewStudent = new Student(); NewStudent->Set_RollNo(rno); NewStudent->SetNextStudent(NULL); if(CurrentStudent == NULL) HeadStudent = NewStudent; CurrentStudent = NewStudent; } else CurrentStudent->SetNextStudent(NewStudent); CurrentStudent= NewStudent; cout<<CurrentStudent->Get_RollNo();

12 Main() function main() // Main() function { StudentList S;
S.Add_Student("MC "); cout<<endl; S.Add_Student("MC "); S.Add_Student("MC "); system("pause"); }

13 Output

14 Your Tasks Task 1: Remove the following line from end of Add() function. cout<<CurrentStudent->Get_RollNo(); Task 2: Add traverse (display) function to display roll number of students. Task3: Add more attributes (name, GPA, semester etc) in student class and make changes in your code accordingly.


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