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Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Workshop

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1 Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Workshop
Discuss, Explore, Propose, Network 39B-41, Mircea cel Batran Str., Constanta, Romania, To adapt and survive or to die. How to maintain and improve the quality of the Romanian coast of the Black Sea, under the pressure of climate change and human interventions. © J Carnot

World Café 2 TRIGGER QUESTIONS What type of actions are needed in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea under the continuous pressure of climate change and human interventions? Please consider the following categories: Physical aspects (coastal protection / beach reconstruction / stop erosion); Water quality; Preserve and develop biodiversity; Please define measures for: Short term (<5 years); Medium term (between 5 – 10 years); Long term (>20 years); 5 LINES OF THOUGHT ABOUT THE QUALITY OF THE ROMANIAN COASTAL ZONE : The state of the NV Black Sea coastal zone was almost destroyed starting in 1960s due to rapid industrial expansion along the Black Sea coast line and the construction of two major dams on the Lower Sector of the Danube River. This has significantly increased annual variability in the N:P:Si ratio in the basin. All this factors, combined with climate change and variation affected all components of marine and coastal ecosystems, including beach erosion, habitats, benthos, plankton, fish, mammals, seabirds, and the presence of non-native species.

3 Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : Physical aspects (coastal protection / beach reconstruction / stop erosion) What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Identify the existing problems Improve/Apply/Respect the current legislation (ex. ban constructions on the beach) Update the Regional Urbanistic Plans Restart ICZM Implement more stringent penalties Public awareness campaign (attract the public in debates on the subject) Short term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Public authorities, Government Government Public authorities, Government, Policy makers

4 Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : Physical aspects (coastal protection / beach reconstruction / stop erosion) What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Detailed understanding of water dynamics and sediments in the coastal area by developing a monitoring system that integrates the latest technologies of detailed numerical models and performance Identify source areas of compatible sediment usable in beaches restoration, so the normal sedimentary balance is not disturbed on the littoral cells and the elaboration of sedimentary bypass systems Develop coastal protection systems – soft & green (development and enforcing the Romanian littoral concept – building with nature) Detailed permanent reassessment of sea level variation over the short, medium and long term and the impact of storms on coastal zones in accordance with the latest climate models (constantly updated according to the latest results IPCC) Short term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, teachers, etc.

5 Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : Physical aspects (coastal protection / beach reconstruction / stop erosion) What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Access European structural funds in order to exchange experience Continuous monitoring Raise the awareness level of the population and economic entities regarding constructions in the protected zone Reorganize and restart the National Council for Coastal Zone Medium term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, teachers, business representatives, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Public authorities, Government

6 Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : Physical aspects (coastal protection / beach reconstruction / stop erosion) What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Restore and protect the coastal areas using the following Dam rehabilitation Demolishing Improving and extending the existing structures Construction of new dams (artificial reefs) Consolidate the beaches and shoreline (planting vegetation, soft solutions, planting vegetation xerophyte – couch grass) Sandy vegetation restoration Reduce environmental pollution during the rehabilitation (organic materials, eco-friendly, easily integrable); Improve Maritime and costal development plans Long term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, citizens, teachers, etc.

7 Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : Physical aspects (coastal protection / beach reconstruction / stop erosion) What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Raise the awareness of the population and economic entities regarding the development plans and construction works in the protection zone Permanent human capacity building Natural rehabilitation of the interest areas (controlled flooding, ecological restoration, restore the connection between Razelm Sinoe Lagoon System and the Sea) Long term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, citizens, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc.

8 Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 2. WATER QUALITY
What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Water quality monitoring Increase population awareness regarding water quality monitoring Develop and apply solutions after monitoring results Develop best practices guide (ex. The rational use of detergents and disinfectants, discharged into the sewer system) Short term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc.

9 Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 2. WATER QUALITY
What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Ecological restoration of the coastal lakes Enforcing (and sanctions) the existence of ecological toilets in touristic areas and other areas; Informative panels on bathing rules and water quality Strict control of ships over ballast and bilge water disposal Short term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Public authorities, Environment Protection Agency, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc. Public authorities, Environment Protection Agency, NGO’s, business representatives, etc.

10 Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 2. WATER QUALITY
What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Systematic Ecological Reconstruction of the litoral lakes Develop new capacities for studying the emergent pollutants (pharmaceutical, micro plastic, etc.) Develop a performant monitoring system of water quality capable to assimilate in situ and satellite data from stations (making use of the opportunities of Sentinel missions) Biotech development / development of biofilters for water quality improvement Short term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc. Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc.

11 Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 2. WATER QUALITY
What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Water quality monitoring (including the wells used in rural area) Modernization / construction of wastewater treatment plants Reduce the nutrients resulting from agricultural and industrial activities Socio-economic measures to stimulate population and other economic entities Medium term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc.

12 Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 2. WATER QUALITY
What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Raise awareness Reduce pollution from shipyards / construction sites/ harbors Continuous development of micro-wastewater treatment plants (per household – septic tanks / neighborhoods / settlements) Ecological restoration of the coastal lakes Medium term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc.

13 Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 2. WATER QUALITY
What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Water quality monitoring Oil rigs monitoring New investments in the modernization of wastewater treatment installations, (garbage, selective collecting, research, etc.) Apply green technology and solutions (innovation and implementation) Long term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc.

14 Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 2. WATER QUALITY
What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Increase public awareness Drastic measures and sanctions regarding unmanaged pollution Ecological restoration of the coastal lakes Long term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc.

15 3. Biodiversity development and conservation
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 3. Biodiversity development and conservation What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Create a partnership between custodians, Research Institutes, NGOs, financial agencies, educational institutions with interests in the area Develop a common DATABASE – for centralizing all the data and studies regarding biodiversity Identify financial partnerships (funding programs, sponsors, etc.) in order to provide support; Biodiversity monitoring Ballast waters monitoring Short term Public authorities, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc. Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, teachers, etc.

16 3. Biodiversity development and conservation
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 3. Biodiversity development and conservation What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Situational awareness in protected areas Inform and educate the population and economic entities (entrepreneurs) about the importance of biodiversity Create a DNA bank for the safekeeping of all the litoral species native to the Black Sea area Short term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc.

17 3. Biodiversity development and conservation
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 3. Biodiversity development and conservation What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Create artificial reefs, in areas with low biodiversity, in order to attract and secure the endangered marine species Ecosystem services evaluation (cost-benefit analysis) Risk assessment and pressures Concrete plans for intervention in case of habitat destruction Medium term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc.

18 3. Biodiversity development and conservation
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 3. Biodiversity development and conservation What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Continue and improve the research and development programs Improve and apply the existing legislation Buffer zone delimitation Maritime-zoning spatial planning (balance between economic activities and green areas, for biodiversity conservation) Medium term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc.

19 3. Biodiversity development and conservation
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 3. Biodiversity development and conservation What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Encourage and apply sustainable tourism Habitats restoration plans for Natura 2000 sites Invasive species monitoring and controlling for Natura 2000 sites Medium term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc.

20 3. Biodiversity development and conservation
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 3. Biodiversity development and conservation What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Inform and educate the population and economic entities (entrepreneurs) about the importance of biodiversity; Improve and apply the methods for purifying ballast waters Medium term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc.

21 3. Biodiversity development and conservation
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 3. Biodiversity development and conservation What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Inform and educate the population and economic entities (entrepreneurs) about the importance of biodiversity; Apply marine waste management sanctions Strict monitoring of offshore drilling and exploitation, and Natura 2000 sites Strict fishing regime compliance (quotas) (Border police, Coast Guard, ANPA) Long term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, Border police, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, fishermen's associations, etc.

22 3. Biodiversity development and conservation
Summary of discussion Rapporteur : 3. Biodiversity development and conservation What types of Responsible Research and Innovation actions should be implemented in order to protect and improve the quality of the Romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea? Temporal implementation horizon Stakeholders’ involvement Set up a volunteers network - schools - institutions, for sampling of marine biodiversity Develop and maintaining a partnership between custodians, institutes, NGOs, businesses, educational institutions - with interests in the area Applying a strict legislation on the conservation of biodiversity (habitat protected areas and Natura 2000 sites) Long term Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, , fishermen's associations, etc. Policy makers, Public authorities, Government, Environment Protection Agency, Border police, researchers/scientists, NGO’s, business representatives, citizens, teachers, fishermen's associations, etc.

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