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Rescue of wing development and QE reporter expression by Tubα1>vg clones depends on Wg input. Rescue of wing development and QE reporter expression by.

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1 Rescue of wing development and QE reporter expression by Tubα1>vg clones depends on Wg input.
Rescue of wing development and QE reporter expression by Tubα1>vg clones depends on Wg input. (A) Tubα1>vg clones (black by absence of GFP, green) in ap0 discs express moderate levels of Vg (dull blue) and autonomously rescue Drosophila wing growth when located in the prospective wing pouch; Tubα1>vg cells within the rescued pouch also express low levels of the 1XQE reporter (dull red). (B) Tubα1>vg clones in ap0; C765-Gal4/UAS-Nrt-wg discs (which overexpress Nrt-Wg throughout the disc) autonomously express normal peak levels of Vg (bright blue) as well as 1XQE-lacZ expression (bright red) within the prospective wing pouch and induce surrounding cells up to several cell diameters away to do the same (coincident GFP and 1XQE-lacZ reporter expression in non-autonomously rescued cells appears yellow). Myriam Zecca, and Gary Struhl Development 2007;134: © The Company of Biologists Limited 2007

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