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13.3 End of Slave Trade Pgs. 236-240.

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1 13.3 End of Slave Trade Pgs

2 End of Slave Trade As we already learned, enslaving African was very profitable for Europeans. Slaves were sent from Africa to Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Overtime, Europeans became disgusted with slave trade. A growing number of the population fond slavery to be a wicked abuse of humans.

3 End of Slave Trade The British were among the first to seek an end of slavery. Slavery ended peacefully in Britain. The French abolished slavery and restored it for a time in the 1800s.

4 Britain The Quakers were the first group to combat slavery.
By the 1750s Quakers began reject slavery and supported abolition. John and Charles Wesley also promoted abolition, leading the Methodist church into the movement.

5 Britain John Newton (Amazing Grace) was a slave-ship captain.
When he saw the conditions, he was appalled and became a critic of slavery.

6 Britain William Wilberforce was a Parliament member.
After becoming a Christian he struggled with remaining in politics. He was convinced to serve the Lord and worked to improve conditions of many in his country. He also lead an effort to abolish slavery.

7 Britain While the Quakers were first to oppose slavery, they had no role in government. Quakers and Anglicans united and formed the Committee for the Abolition of Slave trade. Wilberforce supported this committee but didn’t join until

8 Britain From Wilberforce sought to end British involvement in slave trade. Finally in 1807, Parliament passed a bill to end slave trade in the British Empire.

9 Britain However, they didn’t free slaves already in Britain.
It took another 25 years to finally abolish slavery in Britain. Pamphlets were published that showed the evils of slavery. Abolitionists also began teaching that African were not inferior to the white man.

10 Britain While the struggle waged on, abolitionists purchased land in West Africa to settle freed British and American slaves. They pressured African Chiefs to stop selling their people. Wilberforce passed away in July of 1833. Parliament passed a bill that effectively ended slavery one month later.

11 America Like in Britain, the Quakers were the first to be against slavery. Thomas Paine wrote “African Slavery in America” advocating the end of slavery in the colonies. Students of Jon Edwards (American Preacher in Great Awakening, 1730s) also published works against slavery.

12 America Some slaves were freed after their owner died.
Congress banned the importation of slaves beginning on January 1, 1808. Some political opponents even agreed on abolition. New York Manumission (to free bondage) founded by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and Aaron Burr.

13 America Slave labor in the cotton fields were highly profitable in the south. The majority of slaves were owned by 1% of land owners in the south. America needed a Civil War to end slavery in the 1860s.

14 America William Lloyd Garrison and Fredrick Douglas became two of the most famous American abolitionists. GARRISON WAS THE EDITIOR OF THE NEWSPAPER “THE LIBERATOR” THROUGH HIS WRITING HE INFLUENCED MANY. DOUGLAS WAS A FORMER SLAVE, WAS A PERSUASIVE SPEAKER.


16 France During the French revolution, slavery was temporarily abolished. Napoleon brought it back when he became king. He sent troops to put down slave rebellion their colonies such as Haiti.

17 France Haiti fought back. Many French soldiers and Haitians died in their conflict. Haiti gained independence in

18 Muslim World Slavery thrived in the Muslim world after much of Europe had abolished it. In some instances slavery still exist in some Muslim majority countries like Sudan.

19 13.3 Section Quiz

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