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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy DNA People Protein Synthesis Mutations Random

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1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy DNA People Protein Synthesis Mutations Random
$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 What does DNA stand for? What about RNA?
Deoxyribonucleic acid Ribonucleic acid

3 1 - $200 What are the three components of a DNA nucleotide?
Deoxyribose, phosphate group, nitrogen base

4 1 - $300 What is the result of DNA replication?
Two identical DNA strands; each contains half of the original strand

5 1 - $400 Which nitrogen bases pair together in RNA?
Adenine & Uracil; Guanine & Cytosine

6 1 - $500 Where and when does DNA replication take place?
In the nucleus before cell division

7 2 - $100 In what decade did scientists race to discover the structure of DNA? 1950s

8 2 - $200 Who is famous for studying the genetics of pea plants and the inheritance of traits? Gregor Mendel

9 2 - $300 What DNA model did Watson & Crick create?
The Double Helix Model—looks like a twisted ladder

10 2 - $400 Why is Rosalind Franklin important to the study of genetics?
Her Photo 51 led to the discovery of the Double Helix model

11 2 - $500 Who won the Nobel Prize for discovering the structure of DNA?
James Watson & Francis Crick

12 3 - $100 What smaller components make up proteins? Amino acids

13 3 - $200 What is a codon? A three-base “word” that codes for an amino acid

14 3 - $300 What is DNA sequencing?
Scientists sequence DNA by determining the order of all nucleotides

15 3 - $400 What are two differences between RNA and DNA?
DNA: Double-stranded, deoxyribose, ATCG, stays in nucleus RNA: Single-stranded, ribose, AUCG, carries message out of nucleus

16 3 - $500 What are the three types of RNA, and what does each type do?
Ribosomal RNA, messenger RNA, transfer RNA

17 4 - $100 What are the three types of gene mutations?
Insertion, deletion, substitution

18 4 - $200 Exposure to what increases the likelihood of a mutation occurring in your DNA Mutagen or an example of a mutagen

19 4 - $300 We talked about a specific example of a chromosomal mutation. What is the disorder characterized by an extra chromosome #21? Down Syndrome

20 4 - $400 When can mutations be passed from parent to child?
Mutations in sex cells can be passed on

21 4 - $500 Describe a specific example of a beneficial mutation
Ex: polyploid crops, antibiotic resistance, insecticide resistance

22 5 - $100 What is polyploidy? Having an extra set of chromosomes

23 5 - $200 What is an example of a harmful mutation people can have and still survive Cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia

24 5 - $300 How are telomeres related to aging?
As telomeres are shortened, genes are more likely to be damaged during DNA replication

25 5 - $400 What are transcription and translation? Describe

26 5 - $500 Put the following in order of size (smallest to largest): nucleus, gene, nucleotide, chromosome Nucleotide, gene, chromosome, nucleus

27 Final Jeopardy What RNA strand would be made from a DNA strand the has the following order of bases: TCGAATGGC AGCUUACCG

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