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Protecting Fertility (copy)

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1 Protecting Fertility (copy)
Our maleness and femaleness have meaning in the nuptial or marriage sense. (Pope JP II) Our fertility can be damaged and even destroyed through the presence of sexually transmitted infections. (STIs) Most of these are caused by bacteria or viruses. Examples of STIs include Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes, HPV, and HIV.

2 Living in Harmony with Fertility p.98
To be life-giving is not only the ability to conceive a child, but also a commitment to love, nurture and guide this child toward maturity. Natural Family Planning a) Sympto-thermal: a woman’s body temperature increases during the time of fertility and her cervical mucus becomes thinner

3 b) Billings Ovulation: this method is based entirely on the consistency of cervical mucus Other, artificial methods involve unnatural health risks either through chemicals or barriers. They deliberately make the body infertile. (e.g. condom, diaphragm, Pill)

4 Children are a priceless gift, and it is the responsibility of the married couple to make choices about the size of family they should have.

5 True Love is… (p. 102) copy, copy…
not a feeling, because feelings come and go. Love stays  not sexual attraction, because attraction has a significant, biological element to it not sex, because sex is an expression of that love within marriage not ownership, because possessiveness and jealousy have no connection with love not instant; it grows with time.

6 Let’s finish Theme 3 by completing Reflection Sheet #16 and reading page 106 together.  video

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