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Theories of Criminal Behaviour

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1 Theories of Criminal Behaviour

2 Historical Perspectives On Criminology Positivist School
Focused on ___________ ____________to explain criminal behaviour rather than legal system Lombroso “born criminal theory” atch?v=n29YBwBUTxM ?v=HmdAYqqc8gc XYY theory

3 Theory Of Anomie Proposed by Emile Durkheim
Argued that as society moved from rural to urban, traditional values and bonds that regulated behaviour were weakened __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Called this state of isolation “____________”

4 Ecological School Argued that criminal behaviour was _______________________ _______________________ Communities that suffered from high rates of poverty and social disintegration were more likely to condone criminal activity than affluent areas

5 Consensus Theory Consensus theorists assume _____________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Argue that criminal laws prohibit behaviours that society agrees are harmful

6 Contemporary Theories Of Crime

7 Strain Theory Introduced by Robert Merton
Argues that people commit crimes when they believe they _____________________ __________________________ _________________________. The stress of goals of acquiring wealth (success and power), and the means to achieve these goals (education, economic resources) are denied to the economically disadvantaged

8 Socialization Suggests the key influences leading to criminal behaviour are found in _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

9 Biological Theories

10 Biological Trait Theory
Argues that some human traits such as ____________ ________________________ and genetic makeup may predispose people to engage in criminal behaviour Research suggests that the following can cause a person to become a criminal Poor diet (“Twinkie Defense”) v=I9trkizKP08 Influence of hormones (androgens) Exposure to drugs/alcohol in the womb

11 Neurophysiological Theory
Focus on the study of _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Twin studies

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