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The right to social assistance

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1 The right to social assistance
Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: FR-01-KA _5 KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices KA219 - Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only Sharing the world: disability and displacement The right to social assistance Project by: Arapașu Bianca Georgiana Vicoleanu Andreea Luciana Ferariu Elisabeta


3 Type of lesson: communication / acquisition of new knowledge
Date: 03/29/2018 Class: 11 F School object: TIC Subject: Knowing and respecting the rights of the child, the norms of behavior in society Type of lesson: communication / acquisition of new knowledge Reserved Time: 50 minutes Teachers: Mihaiela Tunea Teodora Ursulica, Ghinet Lavinia

4 The meaning of social assistance
In the explanatory dictionary of the Romanian language, social assistance is defined as a material aid system for people who are not fit for work and do not have the means to live. Social assistance means a set of institutions, programs, measures, professional activities, specialized services for the protection of persons, groups, communities with special problems, temporarily in difficulty, which due to reasons of economic, socio-cultural, biological, do not have the opportunity to achieve a decent way of life through their own means and efforts.


6 The concept of social assistance is apt to receive two meanings.
First of all, he designates the general principles on which support for social communities in need is based, and in another sense social assistance is the whole of the technical and financial means used by public authorities to implement social policies.

7 This aid takes into account a limited amount of time, which lasts until the person with special needs finds social, psychological, economic resources to lead a normal life.

8 The following categories of persons are specifically the subject of social assistance activities:
Poor families: Unemployed or low-income families in which one parent is unemployed, single-parent families, families with many children whose needs exceed their parent's income; living in an adverse family and social environment, abandoned and institutionalized; juvenile delinquents, young nonintegrated;drug and / or alcohol addicts;people physically and sexually abused; physically and / or mentally disabled persons; people with chronic and degenerative diseases without legal supporters; Older people in incapacity for self-service; people who have suffered from natural, social disasters; people who have suffered discrimination (social, physical, economic, psychological) - minority groups with fewer rights than the majority population.


10 Purposes of Social Work Practice!
to help individuals and groups identify, solve, or minimize problems arising from imbalances between them and the environment. identify areas of potential imbalance between individuals or groups and the environment to prevent their occurrence. to seek, identify and strengthen the potential of individuals, groups and communities.








18 This material is the author's opinion and does not represent the official opinion of the European Commission.

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