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Developing Professional Practice

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1 Developing Professional Practice
Week 2 – Professional Values and Ethics

2 Review from last week…. As a table draw pictures to recall and represent what constitutes…. a professional a profession. Lingfield

3 Stuff to think about tonight
Create strategies to respond appropriately to a range of professional scenarios Review your role as a teacher in LLS (update from PTLLS) Identify your core professional values as a teacher in the LLS (drawing on standards)

4 Professional Scenarios.
Individually consider the scenario given… Note down… Issues arising What your response would be? (5mins strictly) In turn share with your group your scenario, the issues and your response

5 Professional Values: As a table
What are your core professional values? As a table Make a list of ten and tick your top five (order these if you can..) What about these? Collaborating and contributing to my curriculum team Engaging all learners, involving all learners in relevant activities Keeping up to date with subject developments Being well prepared Returning marked work in a reasonable time.

6 Essay Title Critically examine concepts of professionalism, core professional values, CPD and reflective practice and relate these concepts to your own role as a teacher or trainer in the LLS.

7 Professional Standards
In pairs… Review the values and commitments in the domain allocated Which are the hardest values or commitments to uphold? Give examples of how you try to uphold any particular value or commitment.

8 Review your role You did this in PTLLS – individually Consider your view of your role when you first started teaching and what it is now. How has it changed? Note in column 1 – how it was Note in column 2 – what it became Considering professionalism, values, standards Original – Roles and Responsibilities Updates and additions

9 Possible Roles

10 Essay Title Critically examine concepts of professionalism, core professional values, CPD and reflective practice and relate these concepts to your own role as a teacher or trainer in the LLS.

11 Is Teaching a Profession
Read Carr and Kemmis - Article Identify: 3 characteristics of a profession 3 reasons why this is a ‘problem’ when calling teaching a profession Answer the questions and write a short paragraph for your essay using the above add your own judgement. NB. Note the correct reference for your essay

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