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Class Relation.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Relation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Relation

2 Relations with 3 Components
Example 1 label a b i.e., organized triples b at: at: containing a Dictionary Dictionary label OrderedCollection A Example 2 a b i.e., organized triples b at: at: containing a Dictionary Dictionary A OrderedCollection a is in allFrom b is in allTo Assumes a and b can be compared using =

3 A dictionary of dictionaries of collections
The Relation Class A dictionary of dictionaries of collections items key a key label collection with b label label a b or a b Use 1 label or label Use 2 a b a b clear resetting allFrom, alTo, allToFor: items querying addItem: a via: label toItem: b adding do: [:a :label :b | ...] simple looping for: fromItems byLabelsDo: [:label :toItems | ...]” Most important smart looping

4 Easy To Implement Items is a dictionary of dictionaries of collections
label label label Like right, left, or up where a b a b a b Items is a dictionary of dictionaries of collections key a key label {b1, b2, ...} clear items := Dictionary new addItem: a via: label toItem: b ((items at: a ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new]) at: label ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new]) addIfAbsent: b Assumes a = b is implemented

5 Easy To Implement Items is a dictionary of dictionaries of collections
allFrom ^items keys key a key label {b1, b2, ...} allTo ^self allToFor: self allFrom allToFor: fromItems | all emptyDictionary | all := OrderedCollection new. emptyDictionary := Dictionary new. fromItems do: [:a | “Note that the labels are ignored” (items at: a ifAbsent: [emptyDictionary]) values do: [:toItems | all addAllIfAbsent: toItems]]. ^all Assumes a = b is implemented

6 Items is a dictionary of dictionaries of collections
Simple Looping Items is a dictionary of dictionaries of collections key a key symbol {b1, b2, ...} do: aBlock "aRelation do: [:a :label :b | ...]" items keysAndValuesDo: [:a :dictionary | dictionary keysAndValuesDo: [:label :orderedCollection | orderedCollection do: [:b | aBlock value: a value: label value: b]]]

7 Items is a dictionary of dictionaries of collections
looping Items is a dictionary of dictionaries of collections key a key symbol {b1, b2, ...} for: fromItems byLabelsDo: aBlock "aBlock expects [:label :toItems | ...]" | labelledItems emptyDictionary | labelledItems := Dictionary new. emptyDictionary := Dictionary new. fromItems do: [:a | (items at: a ifAbsent: [emptyDictionary]) keysAndValuesDo: [:label :toItems | (labelledItems at: label ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new]) addAllIfAbsent: toItems]]. labelledItems keysAndValues do: aBlock

8 Three Observations

9 From an augmented grammar
Observations 1 From an augmented grammar We created 3 relations: Global up: e.g., Global left: e.g., Temporary right; e.g., Simpler right; e.g., Grammar G -> c 6 5 A A -> a 8 7 b 4 1 2 '|-' 3 G {EndOfFile} G' -> G 511 211 A 711 511 '|-'11 211 111 G12 312 211 211 3 G 511 A 6 2 3 G 5 A 6

10 BUT WE CAN'T TELL which a's and b's belong together.
Observations 2 From right for: fromItems byLabelsDo: [:label :toItems | ...]” we know that many a's are in fromItems many b's are in toItems BUT WE CAN'T TELL which a's and b's belong together.

11 Enough to ensure, if 2 names are equal, their hashes must be equal
Observations 3 Relations use items for which we had to make sure that = was implemented for transition name because it's used as a key in the relation's dictionary BUT THAT'S NOT ENOUGH You also have to implement hash ^symbol hash + attributes hash + action hash Enough to ensure, if 2 names are equal, their hashes must be equal

12 where rightSubset is a relation Note: toItems is rightSubset allTo
Consequently We want to define a better variation. Instead of right for: fromItems byLabelsDo: [:label :toItems | ...]” let's have right for: fromItems byLabelRelationsDo: [:label :rightSubset | ...]” where rightSubset is a relation Note: toItems is rightSubset allTo

13 Review of Algorithm

14 Define your global relations
Algorithm Define your global relations up := Relation new. left := Relation new. Build initial readahead state Create a readahead state and to the unclosured items, add the initial state of the grammar's extra production. Build successor readahead states See next slide

15 Build Successor states (requires iteration)
states do: [:state| Define your temporary right relation right := Relation new. Perform the closure A Using as a guide, set up closured items add items to global up See next slide for details This requires a loop on closured items Set up right M Using the grammar, the closured items and as a guide, set up temporary right See AFTER next slide for details Build successor readahead states from right See next slide This requires a loop on states

16 Applying the Closure to a Readahead State and Extending Up
Given current readaheadState Ra with unclosureItems Let closureItems := unclosureItems shallowCopy Using the grammar and the following as a guide = {(p,r) such that there is a production right part of the form and } ? -> … p q A The down relation A -> … r where r is an initial state A closureItems do: [:p | For each initial state r, add r to the closuredItems IF NOT ALREADY THERE. up addItem: <r,Ra> via: A toItem: <p,Ra>

17 closureItems do: [:p | Using the grammar and the following as a guide
Extending Right Given readaheadState with closureItems all computed. Using the grammar and the following as a guide X X The right relation A -> … p q closureItems do: [:p | for each X-successor q of p. right addItem: p via: X toItem: q

18 Computing Successors and Extending Left
It’s easy to build successors of currentState right for: closuredItems byLabelsDo: [:name :successorItems | state := ReadaheadState new unclosuredItems: successorItems. index := states indexOf: state. successorState := index = 0 ifTrue: ["Not there" states add: state. state] ifFalse: ["Already there" states at: index]] when current and successor states are available We can now build left left := Relation new. right do: [:a :label :b | pairA := Array with: a with: currentState. pairB := Array with: b with: successorState. pairLabel := TransitionName new name: label; state: successorState left addItem: pairB via: pairLabel toItem: pairA] How do we go about combining these 2 code fragments? Oops: NOT SO EASY

19 Computing Successors and Extending Left
Assuming was set up earlier. left := Relation new. right for: closuredItems byLabelRelationsDo: [:name :rightSubset | successorItems := rightSubset allTo. state := ReadaheadState new unclosuredItems: successorItems. index := states indexOf: state. successorState := index = 0 ifTrue: ["Not there" states add: state. state] ifFalse: ["Already there" states at: index]. rightSubset do: [:a :label :b | pairA := Array with: a with: currentState. pairB := Array with: b with: successorState. pairLabel := TransitionName new name: label; state: successorState left addItem: pairB via: pairLabel toItem: pairA]] assumes = is implemented for readahead states

20 Converting to for:byLabelRelationsDo:
Items is a dictionary of dictionaries of collections key a key symbol {b1, b2, ...} for: fromItems byLabelsDo: aBlock "aBlock expects [:label :toItems | ...]" | labelledItems emptyDictionary | labelledItems := Dictionary new. emptyDictionary := Dictionary new. fromItems do: [:a | (items at: a ifAbsent: [emptyDictionary]) keysAndValuesDo: [:label :toItems | (labelledItems at: label ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new]) addAllIfAbsent: toItems]]. labelledItems keysAndValues do: aBlock BLUE: What we need to change RED: The relation data

21 Converting to for:byLabelsRelationsDo:
Items is a dictionary of dictionaries of collections key a key symbol {b1, b2, ...} for: fromItems byLabelRelationsDo: aBlock "aBlock expects [:label :rightSubset| ...]" | labelledItems emptyDictionary | labelledItems := Dictionary new. emptyDictionary := Dictionary new. fromItems do: [:a | (items at: a ifAbsent: [emptyDictionary]) keysAndValuesDo: [:label :toItems | (labelledItems at: label ifAbsentPut: [Relation new]) addItem: a via: label toAllItems: toItems]]. labelledItems keysAndValues do: aBlock BLUE: What we need to change RED: The relation data Helper method Better name?

22 The new Looping Construct
Items is a dictionary of dictionaries of collections key a key symbol {b1, b2, ...} for: fromItems byLabelRelationsDo: aBlock "aBlock expects [:label :rightSubset| ...]" | labelledItems emptyDictionary | labelledRelations := Dictionary new. emptyDictionary := Dictionary new. fromItems do: [:a | (items at: a ifAbsent: [emptyDictionary]) keysAndValuesDo: [:label :toItems | (labelledRelations at: label ifAbsentPut: [Relation new]) addItem: a via: label toAllItems: toItems]]. labelledRelations keysAndValues do: aBlock

23 The Simple Helper Function
So we can avoid having to loop ourselves addItem: a via: label toAllItems: bCollection bCollection do: [:b | self addItem: a via: label toItem: b]

24 What about Readback States?

25 What’s Different for Readback FSMs
The items are (rightPartState, readaheadState) pairs. For each readahead state, we use the closured items and compute initial readback states on a per nonterminal basis, each containing items (pairs) built from the right part states that are final items. We have a readback state with unclosure items. We already have relations for left and up. Why don’t we extend class Relation to help us?

26 How do we tell if a label is dealing with an Invisible?
Ask the label... label isInvisible label isVisible See previous notes in building readback FSMs for details. Summary: It's invisible if it's a semantic action or a look transition.

27 Using Relation Left invisibleLeftClosureOf: fromItems using: left
"Returns a collection of items." | allLefts | allLefts := fromItems shallowCopy. allLefts do: [:a | left for: (Array with: a) byLabelsDo: [:label :toItems | label isInvisible ifTrue: [ allLefts addAllIfAbsent: toItems]]] ^allLefts A Relation class method It is possible to make it an instance method (with receiver left) but it's purpose is too specific to be a general method

28 Using Relation Left forVisibleLeftOf: fromItems using: left byLabelRelationsDo : aBlock "aBlock expects [:label :leftSubset | ...]" left for: fromItems byLabelRelationsDo : [:label :leftSubset | label isVisible ifTrue: [aBlock value: label value: leftSubset]] Can be used for building successor readback states (similar to the approach used for building successor readahead states but has to distinguish visibles from invisibles] A Relation class method

29 What about Lookback?

30 Recall R * Mp ( | ) What does it mean? F -> a #indent C C -> B
B -> A A -> w R * invisibles Mp ( | ) Example grammar What does it mean? In readback state R, you are at the left end of the handle say w to be reduced to say A Then you are where the dot is… A -> w Up 1 B -> A Up C -> B Up F -> a #indent C Invisible Left F -> a #indent C Visible a is lookback

31 Computing Lookback lookbackFor: fromItems using: left and: up
"Returns a collection of labels (not items)." | toItems toLabels | "Perform one up..." toItems := up allToFor: fromItems. "Perform many invisible lefts and ups." toItems do: [:a | left for: (Array with: a) byLabelsDo: [:label :labelSuccessors | label isInvisible ifTrue: [toItems addAllIfAbsent: labelSuccessors]]. toItems addAllIfAbsent: (up allToFor: (Array with: a))]. "Finally, pick up the visible labels..." toLabels := OrderedCollection new. self forVisibleLeftOf: toItems using: left byLabelsDo: [:label :labelSuccessors | toLabels addIfAbsent: label]. ^toLabels Class method

32 Note See "Detailed Summary So Far: Building Readback States" in "ReadbackFSMsForGrammars" for slightly more detailed steps to building readback states.

33 Done

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