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Maladaptive schema in an aging population

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1 Maladaptive schema in an aging population
Marjolein Legra Clinical psychologist/ psychotherapist PhD Student Expertisecentrum PersonaCura Specialist in Personality and behavior

2 Contents Short introduction schematherapy
Schema in the elderly; Delphi Schema structure in the elderly; factor analysis Ad 2: Schema in the elderly Are there new schemata during the life course and are they healthy. Links to the attachement theory en development during the life course Delphy

3 Schema focused therapy
Developed by Dr. Jeffrey Young Schema therapy integrates elements of cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, object relations and gestalt therapy into one unified, systematic approach to treatment. Treats personality disorders, chronic depression,  and other difficult individual and couples problems.

4 Definition schema (1) A broad, pervasive theme or pattern
Comprised of memories, bodily sensations, emotions & cognitions Regarding oneself and one's relationships with others Developed during childhood or adolescence, and elaborated throughout one's lifetime Dysfunctional Source:

5 Definition schema (2) A schema relates to a basic emotional need of a child which is not met. Each of the 18 schemas represent specific emotional needs that were not adequately met in childhood or adolescence. A schema is comfortable and familiar A schema fights for survival Source:

6 18 maladaptive schema Mistrust Abandonment Enmeshment Subjugation
Self-sacrifice Grandiosity Vulnaribility Failure dependence Emotional deprivation Defectiveness Social isolation Insufficient selfcontrol Approval seeking Punitiveniss Emotional inhibition Unrelenting standards Negativity

7 Schema Modes Schema Modes are the moment-to-moment emotional states and coping responses that we all experience.   Often our schema modes are triggered by life situations that we are oversensitive to (our "emotional buttons").  Many schema modes lead us to overreact to situations, or to act in ways that end up hurting us. Source:

8 Schema modes Child modes Vulnarable child Angry child
Undisciplined child Parent modes Happy child Punitive parent Critical parent Coping modes Compliant surrender Healthy adult Detached protector Overcompensator

9 Treatment Personality disorders are caused by maladaptive schema
Pathology will subside when maladaptive schema are replaced by adaptive schema Experimental techniques are necesarry Effectivity studies show promising results, not only for borderline, but also for other PD’s

10 Experiential Techniques
The cognitive way on itself doesn’t work! You have to approach the affective ways

11 Schemas in an aging population
How do schema manifest itself in an aging population? What can be said about the evolution of schema during the life course Can we construct an schema questionnaire for the elderly? Clinical relevance

12 An example from clinical practice (1) mistrust
The intens belief that eventually everybody is out to get you. Solution during the life course: I don’t need nobody And then you get old and disabled

13 An example from clinical practice (2) grandiosity
The intens belief that one is special and is entitled to special treatment. Others serve to admire you. Solution during the life course: Outshine and create an admiring audience. But then you get old and the catching up by a younger generation takes place

14 Current state of knowledge (SFT)
James;the first to publice James, I. A. (2003). Working with older people: implications for schematherapy. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 10, Kindnys and colleagues: Chronic depression and anxiety (2013) Kindynis, S., Burlacu, S., Louville, P. and Limosin, F. (2013). Effect of schema-focused therapy on depression, anxiety and maladaptive cognitive schemas in the elderly, Encephale, 39, Videler and colleagues: group schema therapy (2014);PD’s cluster C (2017); Adaptations in ST for older adults (2017). Videler, A.C., Rossi, G., Schoevaars, M., van der Feltz-Cornelis, C., & van Alphen, S.P.J. (2014). Effects of schema group therapy in elderly outpatients; a proof of concept study. International psychogeriatrics, 26, Videler, A.C. van Alphen, S.P.J., Rossi, G., van der Feltz-Cornelis, C.M., van Royen, R.J.J., & A. Arntz. e.a. (2017). Schema therapy for personality disorders in older adults: a multiple- baseline study. Aging and Mental Health, Epub ahead of print Videler, A.C. et al. (2017). Adapting schema therapy for personality disorders in older adults. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 10,

15 Current state of knowledge (schemastructure)
Antoine and colleagues: introducing 3 new schemas; Loss of Identity Disengagement Refusal of assistence P. ANTOINE C. ANTOINE, R. POINSOT, D. BALIEU. IDENTIFICATION DE SCHÉMAS DE TYPE II CHEZ LE SUJET ÂGÉ. Journal de hérapie Comportementale et Cognitive2007, 17, 1, 14-24 PASCAL ANTOINE1 CHRISTINE ANTOINE2 ROLLON POINSOT3 Détresse du sujet âgé :identification des schémas cognitifs Elderly distress: cognitive schemas identification. Psychol NeuroPsychiatr Vieil 2007 ; 5 (4) :

16 Empirical validation Antoine (2007;2008) Validation of 12 schemata
24 items N=67 (62-97); Geriatric residence

17 Prof. Dr. Sp.P.J. Van Alphen, PhD
Our research M.J.H. Legra, PhD student Maastricht University, the Netherlands GGZWNB/ GGZBREBURG Prof. Dr.F Verhey MD/PhD Prof. Dr. Sp.P.J. Van Alphen, PhD

18 Delphi Study Are schemas stable or do they vary during the life span?
RESEARCH QUESTIONS Are schemas stable or do they vary during the life span? If there is change what are the possible causes of this change. Legra, M.J.H, Verhey, F.R.J., & Alphen, van S.P.J. (2017) A first step toward integrating schema theory in geriatric psychiatry: A Delphi study. International Psychogeriatrics, 29,

19 Delphy (4) Findings Lowering of Defectiveness, Subjugation and Unrelenting standards Increase of Vulnaribility to harm or disease Early risen schema are less variable (Emotional deprivation, Mistrust, Social isolation) Later risen schema are more variable (subjugation, self sacrifice, unrelenting standards and emotional inhibition) Severity of trauma matters Schema coping/ Schema triggering

20 Implications for treatment
Schemas are dynamic structures Heterotypical continuity Search the life course of schema

Mistrust Abandonment Self-sacrifice Vulnaribility Failure Dependence Insufficient selfcontrol Emotional inhibition Unrelenting standards NOT CONFIRMED Grandiosity Group Together Emotional deprivation Social Isolation Sociale isolatie en emot depri laadden op 1 factor

22 New schema in the elderly
Antoine adds three schema based on clinical experience and theoretical assumptions Loss of Identity Disengagement Refusal of assistence Confirmed in CFA Theoretisch aangejaagd - Voortkomend uit gedachtes bij CGT bij ouderen met depressie en angst Avoident attachment style onderzoeken laten hoge scores op vermijdende hechting zien in de latere levensfases (Chopik, Edelstein & Fraley, 2013; Consedine & Magai, 2003; Magai e.a., 2001). Mogelijk weerspiegelt deze stijl een normaal verouderingsproces in een fase waarin terugtrekkende bewegingen plaatsvinden; met het ouder worden nemen de rollen en de sociale relaties af en keert men zich meer in zichzelf.

23 Empirical validation in a Dutch sample
Step 1 Reduction of the YSQ items to 80 items (M. Rijkeboer) Step 2 Confirmatory Factor analysis in a nonclinical sample N=240

24 Results Confirmed Enmeshment Emotional deprivation Failure
Vulnaribility Self sacrifice Dependence Social isolation Not confirmed Abandonment Mistrust Defectiveness Grandiosity Insufficient self-control Subjugation Emotional inhibition Unrelenting standards

25 Explanations Differentiation is too low due to the nonclinical population Itempool Manifestation in an elderly population differs from an adult population

26 Current Study From a confirmative to a exploratory approach
using Mokken Scale Analysis Clinical and nonclinical sample

27 Future research Informant data versus respondent data; do they correspond? N=240, nonclinical sample


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