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Inclusive growth Voice Dr Mike Reid, Principal Advisor, LGNZ.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusive growth Voice Dr Mike Reid, Principal Advisor, LGNZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusive growth Voice Dr Mike Reid, Principal Advisor, LGNZ

2 Context Non-inclusive growth has led to the rise of populism which represents a the threat to civil society and democracy itself Driven by Inequality Numbers living in poverty Working poor Uneven spatial growth Feeling of disempowerment and alienation

3 Participatory & self determining in local matters
Impact Declines in voter turnout Poor levels of trust in governments Benjamin Barber’s prediction – change driven by tension between two global trends: The paradoxical democratic rise of anti democratic sentiments Jihad Tribalism Kin solidarity Strong leaders McWorld Global Bureaucratic Technocratic Participatory & self determining in local matters

4 Citizens in western democracies used to find fulfilment in political participation;.
Now they are coming to feel that the democratic process is a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing (courtesy of Charles Taylor).

5 Question How do we address increasing dis-empowerment and ensure governments reflect the public will? The most direct way of making governments accountable is to “shorten the route of accountability by devolving power to the lowest possible level where it can be more directly responsive to popular will (Fukuyama 2014). Deepen democracy by strengthening VOICE

6 Challenges Managerialism and technocracy Declining political representation Diminishing public realm Weakening of citizenship Politicians re-defined as directors Micro-management from the centre

7 The assault on local democracy in NZ
Since 2009 obligations on councils to consult and engage largely removed. LTCCP to LTP Removal of right for citizens to determine community outcomes Change to the purpose of the LTP The (dis) engagement policy Less consultation on plans and budgets Efficiency Task force The LGA Amendment Bill No 2 Removal of s.93(6)(f) – purpose of LTCCP to provide an opportunity for participation by the public in decision making processes …. Replaced by a” Consultation Document” – a glossy summary that keeps citizens at arms length from many of the issues that matter.

8 Techniques (examples)
Referenda Citizens’ juries Citizen assemblies Focus groups Stakeholder interviews Social media

9 Putting the citizens back in charge
Opportunities for participatory options Creating the incentives Vertical – policy and plan making To identify issues for annual and long term plans Use citizens assemblies to identify community outcomes Horizontal - spatial Area budgets over seen by community boards Political leaders Citizen expectations and demands Administration Legislative triggers

10 Lessons Avoid tokenism Meaningful and authentic Systematic
Lessons from the citizen jury that met to decide on Capital Power Meaningful and authentic Focus needs to be on issues that matter (feedback loops) Systematic Integrated within council process with buy-in at senior level

11 The idea of democracy is really important
The practice of democracy is really, really, really important


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