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Concrete steps towards simplification, harmonisation and digitalisation of border controls Belgrade | 4th December 2018 | Simon Hartl.

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Presentation on theme: "Concrete steps towards simplification, harmonisation and digitalisation of border controls Belgrade | 4th December 2018 | Simon Hartl."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concrete steps towards simplification, harmonisation and digitalisation of border controls
Belgrade | 4th December 2018 | Simon Hartl

2 Challenges along the Danube corridor
Control procedures vary in terms of process steps, control documents, involved control authorities etc. Different procedures even in the EU member states Harmonisation urgently required → reduced waiting times → reduced personnel efforts → reduced costs → benefit for shipping companies and border control authorities

3 Rationale for a joint working group

4 Common characteristics of the border control procedures along the Danube
Complicated and long-winded procedures with numerous control forms to be filled out by ship crews Missing coordination across the Danube riparian states: differences in legislation and law enforcement Multiple submission of the same data as most of the documents have to be provided in paper form SIMPLIFICATION HARMONISATION DIGITALISATION

5 Overview of activities of joint working group between PA1a/PA11 so far
Survey among shipping companies / vessel operators at border crossings Practical manual for border control procedures Final recommendations on improved control procedures along the Danube

6 Survey on border controls
Objectives enter discussions with solid arguments and have a mandate to initiate necessary measures bring results to the attention of the involved control authorities and decision-makers at the EU-level Contents and distribution Collection of information and feedback on specific & recent controls Survey was distributed at control points, sent to shipping companies via and published online via

7 Important milestone/simplification:
Practical Manual on Border Controls Compare procedures and raise awareness at control points for the steps skippers and ship crews have to undergo (e.g. forms, procedures, responsibilities) Reduce disadvantages caused by lack of information for all involved actors and facilitate market entry for newcomers Contents one chapter per country and detailed information on specific border control points opening hours, contact information of control authorities, place of controls etc. steps of the control process including requested forms

8 Joint recommendations for improved border controls
20 measures clustered in 6 thematic fields Basis for concrete measures to be implemented in cooperation with decision makers and responsible control authorities Some measures already implemented or are currently under implementation -> increase commitment and ensure further implementation

9 Danube logistics sector

10 Danube Navigation Standard (DAVID) Forms
Ongoing activities: Danube Navigation Standard (DAVID) Forms Harmonisation of three selected control forms across all Danube riparian states: Arrival and departure report Crew list Passenger list Representatives of PA1a (ministries of transport, shipping sector) and PA11 (ministries of the interior) reached an agreement on technical level to apply forms. Next step: Integration in national law.

11 Transnational Control Database
Ongoing activities: Transnational Control Database Digital exchange of control data across borders: Improve conditions for shipping sector by preventing multiple checks Secured information exchange between police and other authorities Results of the controls are assigned by traffic light system (red, yellow, green) in the categories ship, crew and cargo. Next step: Extension of IBISweb (Aquapol) to further Danube countries coordinated by the Bavarian State Criminal Office.

12 Working Group PA1a/PA11 is 1 out of 6 TEN-T Corridor Flagship Projects
Launched during TEN-T Days in Ljubljana on 26 April 2018

13 Description of Flagship Project

14 Implementation strategy and next steps
April 2018: Technical agreement Agreement on technical recommendations on working group level (on selected issues such as DAVID forms) June/July 2018: Steering Group endorsement Agreement on Steering Group level of Priority Area 1a (Inland Waterways) and Priority Area 11 (Security) as regards the technical proposals of the joint working group PA1a/PA11 September-December 2018: Organisation of political commitment Inclusion of the theme of administrative barriers in political conclusions (Danube Transport Ministers), endorsed on 3rd December 2018, prepared by PA1a in conjunction with European Commission and the Austrian EU Presidency As of 2019: Anchoring in legislation Steps towards anchoring harmonised forms in EU and/or national legislation

15 Technical Secretariat Priority Area 1a: Gert-Jan Muilerman gert-jan
Technical Secretariat Priority Area 1a: Gert-Jan Muilerman Administrative processes: Simon Hartl Link:

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