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Instructions for filling a travel bill or expense

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions for filling a travel bill or expense"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions for filling a travel bill or expense
Before you start, collect all your original tickets, receipts, and boarding passes. For a conference, include the program and participant list. For other meetings, include the program, announcement , invitation, or other information. Please attach all loose receipts, tickets and boarding passes to a sheet of blank paper. If you got digital boarding passes which you can’t print you should print the travel information from Egencia. Please see the instructions below. There is an example in the PDF-file. There is more information to read on following page: Instructions travel bill Lena Magnusson Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

2 Here you fill in the country you travelled to.
Your travel allowance Here you fill in the country you travelled to. Fill in when you left home/work, the date and the time, and when you returned to home/work. On the last line, fill in the date and time when you left the last country (very often Denmark) for arrival in Sweden, or other end destination. Fill in the departure time by train/plane from one location and arrival time to another location. If you made too many rows, just click X and they are deleted. If you travelled several times (to different countries) in your trip, just click ”N” and register a new journey. Instructions travel bill Lena Magnusson Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

3 Description of your travel
Describe your trip here. Include the name and date of the conference / meeting. Also include any other important information, such as if you went on vacation after the meeting, or travelled on to another conference, if you shared a ticket with someone etc. When you have written the text you have to close the square so the text will be saved. Choose the right purpose for your travel. For example conference, meeting etc Instructions travel bill Lena Magnusson Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

4 Fill in the accounting page with your:
Cost center, Activity and Area of act. If the activity which pays your salary will pay your expense/travel you can press the copy button and it will register the account information. Cost center (kostnadsställe) is usually ... (astronomy) (CBBP) (TPP) ... but sometimes (department) If you don’t know the accounting information, and can’t find an administrator, you can send the expenses claim anyway. Area of act (verksamhet) is usually 35 (external financing), otherwise 11, 21 or 91. You will already see the correct number if you have filled in the correct activity number. Press add when you have filled in the accounting information Fill in the activity/project number which will pay the travel. Instructions travel bill Lena Magnusson Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

5 If you receive lunches or dinners, mark them on the right.
When you travel less than 50 km (for example, to Copenhagen) from your home/work, click this button. Meals and another important allowance If you pay an extra bill for breakfasts or you receive it at the conference mark the breakfasts here. If you receive lunches or dinners, mark them on the right. When breakfast is included in the bill of the room please mark the breakfasts here, on the left hand side. If you are provided with any meals in the train/plane, it is equivalent to having bought them yourself. If you have paid all the meals yourself, please click this button. Instructions travel bill Lena Magnusson Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

6 Just enter a new row for every receipt.
Expenses pages Register all receipts here, foreign receipts under international expenses (utrikes) and Swedish ones under Expenses in Sweden (inrikes). Record the type of expense, and the amount (belopp) on the receipt. Just enter a new row for every receipt. If one expense is to be paid from a different activity, you can enter the other accounting information here. For transactions in Sweden, please register the amount of VAT paid (moms). If there is no VAT on the receipt write the amount 0. For receipts in foreign currency, choose the correct currency and rate here. You can find rates at If you wish, you can print the transaction from your bank statement, and use that currency exchange rate. In that case it can be entered in SEK. Instructions travel bill Lena Magnusson Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

7 Interruptions Interruption: here you can register any date and time when you were on vacation, off duty, or sick, during your travel. Instructions travel bill Lena Magnusson Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

8 Car allowance If you used your car for your travel, please fill in ”car allowance private car” in the dropdown menu. Fill in the route and the distance, in kilometers. Discuss with your supervisor, Head of Department, etc, if needed, whether car is the best way for you to travel. If it is, click the button car allowance approved (både skattefri och skattepliktig ersättning), and you will receive a higher reimbursement, but also get taxed for it. The higher (taxable) rate is 30,50 SEK per 10 km. The lower (non taxable) rate is 18,50 SEK/10 km. Instructions travel bill Lena Magnusson Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

9 Calculation, payment and printing
At the end, don’t forget to click this button to calculate your expenses and reimbursement! Please remember to print the form, attach all receipts and give to Lena (administration). Instructions travel bill Lena Magnusson Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

10 Sending Send Instructions travel bill Lena Magnusson Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

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