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Translating audio description

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1 Translating audio description
Module 6 Unit 3 Anna jankowska Universitat autÒnoma de barcelona

Individual describer. Team of describers. Translator. WRITING TRANSLATION

3 Why translation? Less time-consuming. More cost-effective.
Good quality.

4 Why translation? Film watching Drafting Cueing Proofreading Consulting

5 Why translation? Film watching Translating Proofreading

6 Ad translation: industry
To train describers in countries with little AD tradition. To provide AD in countries with little AD tradition. To provide AD in multiple languages.

7 Ad translation: industry
European Captioning Institute (Georgakopoulou, 2009). Localization service providers. Original productions at VOD platforms.

8 Ad translation: academia
Studies on time and cost-effectiveness. Studies on quality.

9 Ad translation: academia
López Vera, J. F. (2006). Translating Audio description Scripts: The Way Forward? Tentative First Stage Project Results. In MuTra 2006 – Audiovisual Translation Scenarios Conference Proceedings.

10 Ad translation: academia
Remael, A., & Vercauteren, G. (2010). The translation of recorded audio description from English into Dutch. Perspectives, 18(3),

11 Ad translation: academia
Jankowska, A. (2015). Translating audio description scripts: Translation as a new strategy of creating audio description. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

12 Ad translation: academia
Matamala, A., & Ortiz-Boix, C. (2016). Accessibility and multilingualism: an exploratory study on the machine translation of audio descriptions 1. TRANS, 20, 11–24.

13 Ad translation: academia
Fernández-Torné, A. & Matamala, A. (2016). Machine translation and audio description? Comparing creation, translation and post-editing efforts. SKASE. Journal of translation and interpretation, 9(1),

14 Ad translation: academia
Jankowska, A., Milc, M. & Fryer, L. (2017). Translating audio description scripts… into English. SKASE. Journal of translation and interpretation, 10(2), 2-16.

15 Ad translation: academia

16 Ad translation: pitfalls
Always consult the image. Adapt AD to local style. Adapt AD to cultural context.

17 translating audio description
Module 6 Unit 3 Anna jankowska Universitat autÒnoma de barcelona

18 The preparation of this presentation was supported by ADLAB PRO
(Audio Description: A Laboratory for the Development of a New Professional Profile), financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships, Project number: IT02-KA  

19 The information and views set out in this presentation
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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