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AZMERIT AIMS April 4 – 8, 2016 April 14-15, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "AZMERIT AIMS April 4 – 8, 2016 April 14-15, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 AZMERIT AIMS April 4 – 8, 2016 April 14-15, 2016
By San Luis Middle School

2 AZMERIT Testing Dates:
Day One: Writing 7th and 8th grade Monday, April 4th Day Two: Reading Part 1 and Math Part 1 7th and 8th grade Tuesday, April 5th Wednesday, April 6th Day Three: Reading Part 2 and Math Part 2 7th and 8th grade Thursday, April 7th Make-Up Day 1 Make-Up Day 2 Friday, April 8th

3 AIMS…8th grade only Thursday, April 14th Friday, April 15th Day One
AIMS Science 8th grade only Friday, April 15th Make-Up AIMS Science 8th grade only

4 Parents Do’s… We need your help parents!
Have your child go to bed early! Ensure he/she gets at least 8 hours of sleep Comes to school on time! 1st bell at 7:25 a.m. 2nd bell at 7:30 a.m. Testing starts at 7:45 a.m. (after attendance and announcements) Brings a snack! Optional; school not providing Ideas: fresh fruit, granola bars, trail mix, sandwich, raisins, pretzels, etc NO: chips, candy or colored drinks Eats Breakfast! At home or at school is good We will be serving two types of breakfast: a hot breakfast in the cafeteria and our Grab n’ Go breakfast (sack breakfast) as normal Ensure testing days are free of appointments! WATER ONLY!

5 Scorpions Rock the Test!
Students Do’s… Be On Time! Scorpions Rock the Test! Get a good nights rest! You need at least 8 hours of sleep Be on time! 1st bell at 7:25 a.m. 2nd bell at 7:30 a.m. Testing starts at 7:45 a.m. (after attendance and announcements) Try your HARDEST! Give all questions your best effort Use testing strategies you’ve been taught by your teachers Take your time; do not rush through the test

6 Why is AZMERIT and AIMS important?
For the student: SLMS uses 7th grade result to place in 8th grade Language Arts and Math Classes San Luis High School will use 8th grade results to place in Language Arts, Math and Science classes For the school: The State of Arizona will label our school according to all student achievement on these assessments

7 Student Rewards and Motivation!
Pep Rally! March 24th 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Singing, dancing, games to motivate students for the test Testing Day Tickets Student can earn a ticket on each testing day for being present and putting effort into the test Ticket Raffle Each testing day all tickets earned will go into a raffle for prizes! AZMERIT/AIMS Festival April 15th 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. All students who came everyday for testing, try their hardest during the test and have good behavior will attend a festival with games, prizes and treats

8 Questions?

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