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The Reformation Continues

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1 The Reformation Continues
Chapter 17 Section 4

2 3. The “Elect” According to Calvinism, the Elect are those Predestined by God to go to heaven (be saved). Since you cannot earn heaven according to Calvin, the elect’s role was to set the strict rules to guide people’s lives while on earth (the elect were the leaders). In other words you could “discover” who the elect were by looking at who the leaders of a society were (God would reward “the Elect”).

3 4. Noblewomen’s role in the Reformation
Many noblewomen offered protection to reformers (Marguerite of Navarre).

4 5. What were the goals of the Jesuits?
To Spread Christianity (and stop the spread of Protestantism) by converting non-Christians worldwide to Christianity. Became Missionaries - Jesuits would travel to Africa, Asia, North & South America to convert the natives to Christianity. Improve education worldwide.

5 6. Reformation effect the Modern World?
The Catholic Church’s secular power continued to decline politically but would survive because it stays out of politics today. The Catholic church became a center of education starting many schools and universities around the world (Notre Dame)

6 7. Why forbid books? Books = Knowledge = power (independence)
SO if you want POWER over a group of people keep them stupid and you will be able to tell them anything and they would believe it (like fake news)! THIS is WHY you are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to GRADUATE from High School and to always do your best. We want you SMART, INDEPENDENT, and able to MAKE INDEPENDENT, WELL INFORMED GOOD DECISIONS based on FACTS – not just what your leaders tell you to believe – never follow blindly - make decisions based on what you know to be true based on your INTELLIGENCE & Analysis of the facts!

7 Huldrych Zwingli Began religious reform in Switzerland
Catholic Priest in Zurich who was inspired by the words of Luther and humanists like Erasmus and spoke out against the church in 1520. Civil War between Catholics and Protestants in Switzerland broke out and Zwingli was killed in 1531.

8 John Calvin Founder of Calvinism – a Protestant faith.
Wrote The Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1536. This book explains key aspects of his new Protestant faith like: Predestination: God already knows who is saved and who is not, the few who are saved are called “the Elect.” Mankind sinful by nature and need strict laws to keep under control & “on the right path.”

9 Calvinism A Protestant Religion started in the 1530s by John Calvin.
Believes human beings need strict rules/laws to keep them in line b/c they are sinful by nature. Key beliefs: Predestination & the elect. A symbol of Calvinism – full of symbolism, for example the bird (a dove) symbolizes the holy spirit and the 4 triangles symbolize the gospels.

10 Add: Huguenot French Calvinists – persecuted by the Catholic Majority.

11 Predestination A Calvinist belief that God has chosen “an elect” – a small number of people destined to go to heaven. People do not know who has been chosen – only God.

12 Theocracy A government where the religious leaders are also the political leaders. This occurred in Geneva Switzerland, where Calvinism was adopted and practiced

13 John Knox A Scottish preacher who Traveled to Geneva (Switzerland) and learned Calvinism in 1559 – then returned to Scotland where he started the Presbyterian Church. Nobles in Scotland made Calvinism the official church of Scotland in the 1560s (king was weak).

14 Presbyterians The Calvinists of Scotland – started by John Knox.

15 Anabaptists The “radicals” of the Protestant movement who believed being Christian was a choice that only people old enough to decide could make – hence ANAbaptists means being baptized again – Christians at this time were baptized as Children (not given a choice). Believed in Communal Property (like the Amish – pictured above). Church & State separate – did not fight in wars – conscientious objectors.

16 Catholic Catholic means “universal” – accepts all.
The Catholic Church was the sole Christian Church throughout the Middle Ages in Western Europe (Eastern Orthodox in the East). Due to the corruption of politics and personal greed in the MA and Renaissance, the church would eventually reform (called the Counter Reformation) and continues to this day – ~1.3 BILLION Catholics in the world today! (~800 million Protestants).

17 Catholic Reformation AKA the Counter Reformation.
As a result of so many Protestant Churches developing the Catholic Church recognized the need for reform and made some Changes. Started by Pope Paul III and continued by Pope Paul IV, reforms such as declaring the Bible and Church had equal authority. Started the Jesuit order – which traveled the world and set up schools to teach Christianity and teach the local people.

18 Ignatius of Loyola Catholic reformer who started the Jesuit Order,
The Jesuits would travel the world and set up schools for education and teaching about Christianity.

19 Jesuits Religious order of Catholic Priests who became missionaries and taught Christianity around the world – still true today! The Jerusalem Cross – a symbol of the Jesuit order.

20 Popes: Paul III & Paul IV
Vigorously tried to reform the church by responding to Luther’s Criticisms with The Council of Trent in 1545. But also used some questionable methods like: The Inquisition: a church court which punished heresy (people who taught ideas that went against official church beliefs). Had a list of Forbidden Books – if you want to keep control over people – keep them uneducated – (ex: The Taliban in Afghanistan today forbid women and girls an education).

21 Purgatory A Christian belief in a place between heaven and hell where sinners had to Pay for their sins before going to heaven.

22 Council of Trent : A meeting of Catholic bishops and the pope to respond to Luther’s Criticisms. Important decisions of the council: Indulgences can be sold! The church’s interpretation of the Bible is FINAL – any deviations = heresy! Created a List of forbidden books! Need both good works & faith to go to heaven.

23 The Inquisition A church court that punished heretics (A heretic is a person who preached beliefs that went against the official teachings of the Catholic Church). The Inquisition was used in places like Spain to “cleanse” the country of non-believers like Jews, Muslims, and Protestants.

24 Supplemental: The Beatitudes

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