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Balance in Lease Purchase as of April 16, 2019 $879,449

2 MARSHALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Local Effort Per Student A Five Year Study
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Enrollment 2,243 2,254 2,249 2,247 2,231 Local Effort Per Student $3,007 $3,127 $3,144 $3,620 $3,596

3 Actual MPS Finance Results Current and Delinquent Taxes
Actual MPS Finance Results Current Budget FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019* Beginning Operating Fund Balance $4,290,111 $5,405,270 $5,101,632 $5,179,352 $5,393,951 Revenues $24,269,419 $23,961,921 $25,895,603 $25,990,747 $26,159,802 Expenditures $22,102,348 $23,027,693 $24,579,037 $24,503,868 $25,690,940 Fund 4 Transfer $1,051,912 $1,237,866 $1,238,612 $1,272,280 $ 1,140,743 Ending Operating $5,250,000 % in Reserve 24.32% 21.50% 20.44% 21.35% 20.0% % Gain or Loss + 5.06% - 2.82% - 1.06% + .91% - 1.35% Revenue gain/loss from previous year - $729,428 + $307,498 + $1,933,682 + $95,144 + $169,055 Expenses gain/loss +$1,551,579 +$925,345 +$1,551,344 - $75,166 +$1,187,072 * All numbers in 2019 column and beyond are estimated except the beginning fund balance. Local Taxes History Current Budget FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019* Current and Delinquent Taxes $4,873,127 $4,542,802 $5,162,180 $5,197,594 $5,303,195

4 2019 – 2020 Budget Requests Requests include: Classified Staff:
- credit for past work = $40,000 - columns added for additional levels of employment = $35,000 (approx.) Additional FTE for Parents As Teachers = $40,000 Additional FTE for Early Childhood waiting list = $42,000 Additional Employee for music waiting list = $42,000 (The request is for .5 FTE, 1 FTE or 2 PTE) Additional Elementary SPED = $42,000 NON-NEGOTIABLE Additional Instructional Coach = $47,000 Additional custodian for Spainhower = $26,000

5 2019 – 2020 Budget Requests Requests include:
Two additional elementary counselors = $84,000 Additional district maintenance = $28,000 Full funding of insurance $2000 deductible = $104,400 NON- NEGOTIABLE Virtual, real-time medical clinic for employees and their families = $50,000 (approx.) Salary schedules (with 2% raise to base amount at each cell) + medicare = $120,000 (approx.) NON-NEGOTIABLE Increase in extra duty pay = $11,000 NON-NEGOTIABLE Raise in bus drivers extra trips from $10 to $12 = $5778 Teachers subbing for each other = $12,000 (approx.)

6 2019 – 2020 Budget Requests TOTAL: $842,679 Requests include:
New Math Textbook Series (Grades K–8; 9-12) = $40,000 (approx.) Revamping the Bueker Auditorium (temporary fix) = $10,000 (approx.) Teletherapy (or speech implementer) for Speech MHS = $40,000 NON-NEGOTIABLE Increase in current Speech Pathologists’ stipends = $12,000 Increase in pay for retired teachers who substitute teach - $100/day from $85/day = $11,500  TOTAL: $842,679 Additional consideration: Artificial turf for football field and track replacement (in consideration) = $1.5 million

7 2019 – 2020 Budget Issues Items requested for next year include additional personnel, programs, and projects. The total for all requests is $842,679. Obviously, not all requests can be granted. The CO administration will prioritize, with input from the Board. Some budget items are non-negotiable. For example: SPED teachers and paras. Salaries for all staff will be presented to Board during May Board Meeting.

8 MARSHALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Resignations and Retirements by Year
TEACHER RETIREMENT TEACHER RESIGNATIONS CLASSIFIED RETIREMENT CLASSIFIED RESIGNATIONS TOTAL LEAVING 2011 7 10 2 19 2012 9 30 4 43 2013 11 21 3 36 2014 5 17 31 2015 8 20 2016 32 2017 15 13 37 2018 6 1 2019 12


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