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Metropolitan District |

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1 Metropolitan District |

2 I-35W North MnPASS |
Project Overview Project Limits: I-35W between Sunset Ave in Blaine and Co Rd C in Roseville 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

3 Repair Aging Infrastructure
Replace pavement on freeways and ramps Reconstruct I-35W bridges over Co Rd I and Co Rd C 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

4 I-35W North MnPASS |
Improve Mobility Install new MnPASS lanes in both directions between Lexington Ave and Co Rd C Add spot mobility improvements, such as additional lanes (“auxiliary lanes”) between some interchanges 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

5 I-35W North MnPASS |
Staging Overview 2019 Construction on west side of I-35W Construct new noise walls (some will be completed in spring 2020) 2020 Construction in middle of I-35W Complete all of I-35W construction between Sunset Ave and 95th Ave in Blaine 2021 Construction on east side of I-35W between 95th Ave in Blaine and Co Rd C in Roseville 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

6 Construction Staging – 2019
Work begins at north end Temporary southbound ramp closures as work progresses Ramps remaining open Ramps at I-694 and Hwy 10 interchanges Ramp at 95th Ave to southbound I-35W Ramps closure durations will vary, but in general will be 30 days or less. 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

7 Noise Wall Construction
Construct seven noise walls Tree/brush clearing to prepare for wall construction begins mid-March 2019 Neighborhood meetings will be scheduled before wall construction begins General design of walls north of Hwy 10 General design of walls south of Hwy 10 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

8 Noise Wall Construction – Schedule
Wall construction begins in late March/early April at I-35W/Hwy 10 Walls on the west side of I-35W will be constructed first All walls planned to be constructed by spring 2020 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

9 I-35W North MnPASS |
I-35W Traffic Impacts – 2019 Long-term lane restrictions Two lanes in each direction between Sunset Ave and Hwy 10 Three lanes in each direction between Hwy 10 and Co Rd 10 Two lanes in each direction between Co Rd 10 and Co Rd C Lane widths reduced to 11 feet Long-term ramp closures Ramps closed May-November due to bridge construction: Co Rd C to southbound I-35W ramp in Roseville Southbound I-35W to Co Rd I ramp in Arden Hills/Mounds View/Shoreview Schedule for traffic changes: Mid-April 2019 Temporary widening of NB I-35W NB traffic restricted to two lanes from Co. Rd. C to Co. Rd. H, and three lanes from Co. Rd. H to Lake Dr. (Co. Rd. 23) Late April/early May 2019 SB traffic moved to the NB side and restricted to two lanes between Lake Dr. and Sunset Ave. (Co. Rd. 23) Late May through November 2019 SB I-35W switched to NB side Two lanes of traffic in each direction between Co. Rd. C in Roseville and Co. Rd. H Three lanes from Co. Rd. H to Lake Dr. Two lanes from Lake Dr. to Sunset Ave. in Blaine/Lino Lakes 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

10 Temporary Local Road Mitigation
I-35W construction may increase traffic on some local roads Local roads were reviewed with city partners some temporary traffic management options Temporary changes will occur at some local intersections including: Temporary traffic signals Restriping to add turn or through lanes Signal timing adjustments Table 18-3: Local Traffic Mitigation Long Lake Road & I-694 EB Ramps: Pave an additional NBlane by removing a portion of the median, as necessary, to maintain two northbound thru lanes on Long Lake Road 8th Avenue NW & 10th Street NW: Convert the northbound right-tum lane on 8th Avenue NW into a shared no1thbound left-tum/right-tum lane Old Highway 8 & 8th Avenue NW: Install temporary channelizing "pork chops" on the northwest and northeast quadrants using pavement markings and cones to provide for additional turning capacity during detours. CR D W & I-35W--Northbound Ramp: Convert the northbound I-35W exit ramp shared thru/right-tum lane to a shared left-tum/thru/right-tum lane CRDW &CR 88: Convert the inside northbound CR 88 thru lane into a shared northbound left-tum/thru lane Snelling Avenue & Hamline Avenue & County Road F Intersection: Close the southbound left-tum on Hamline Avenue during closures of the southbound I-35W ramp closures between TH 10 and I-35W Table 18-4: Local Traffic Mitigation - Signals Long Lake Road &I-694 WB Ramps: Install temporary signal including a northbound to westbound I-694 left flashing yellow arrow (FYA) Interconnect and coordinate with the signal at the EBramp tenninal and 8th Ave/10th St (Cell Modem recommended) Long Lake Road &I-694 EB Ramps Install temporary signal - Southbound left FYA Interconnect and coordinate with the signal at the WBramp terminal and 8th Ave/10th St (Cell Modem recommended) 8th Avenue NW &10th Street NW Interconnect and coordinate with the signals at the I-694 ramps (GPS Clock Sync recommended) 8th Avenue NW &7th Street NW Install temporary signal 85th Avenue NE & 93rd Lane Coordinate with Ramsey County to optimize signal timing. Ramsey County is adding a westbound right-tum lane on Long Lake Road prior to the start of construction. CR D W & Cleveland Avenue Interconnect and coordinate with the other signals on County Road D CR D W & I-35W--Northbound Ramps CR D W I-35W Southbound Ramps CR D W &CR 88 CR E2 & Cleveland Avenue Install temporary signal in conjunction with I-35W Northbound Ramp closures between County Road C and I-694 CR E2 & I-35W Northbound Ramps Install temporary signal in conjunction with Cleveland Avenue CR E2 & I-35W Southbound Ramps Install tempora1y signal Old Highway 8 SW & 1st Street NW CR J & Naples Street NE Coordinate with Ramsey County to optimize signal timing. CR C W & Long Lake Road Install 5-section protected-permissive signal heads on the mast arm and pole for the southbound left-tum lane. Mounds View Blvd and Pleasant View Dr Interconnect and coordinate with the other signals on Mounds View Blvd to the east Mounds View Blvd and Silver Lake Rd Update signal coordination in coordination with Ramsey County Mounds View Blvd and CR I Mounds View Blvd and Long Lake Rd Mounds View Blvd and Edgewood Dr Mounds View Blvd and CR H2 Mounds View Blvd and Woodale Dr Mounds View Blvd and CR H 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

11 Freight and Hauler Access
Lane restrictions: 11-foot lanes Major ramps (I-694 and Hwy 10 interchanges) remain open Sign up for updates on other ramp closures through the project website Anticipate delays on I-35W 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

12 Public Outreach and Communications
Business visits and meetings Neighborhood noise wall meetings Coffee + Conversations events City and County coordination + attendance at events/meetings Project team available for local events and meetings Contact the project team through our phone line/ to request attendance at any local events/meetings 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

13 Nearby Projects – Know Your Route Many projects along the I-35W corridor this year County/City projects I-694/Rice Street Interchange Co Rd C between Long Lake Rd and New Brighton Blvd Rice Creek Commons Pkwy between Co Rd 96 and Co Rd H Lexington Ave between Co Rd E and I-694 I-35 projects: I-35 North Metro Split, additional projects north and south 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

14 Stay Connected Sign up for project updates through the website
6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

15 I-35W North MnPASS |
Thank you 6/16/2019 I-35W North MnPASS |

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