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Ground-Glass Centrilobular Nodules on Multidetector CT Scan

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1 Ground-Glass Centrilobular Nodules on Multidetector CT Scan
Myrna C.B. Godoy, MD, Daisuke Nonaka, MD, Joseph Lowy, MD, FCCP, Jane P. Ko, MD  CHEST  Volume 138, Issue 2, Pages (August 2010) DOI: /chest Copyright © 2010 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Posteroanterior (A) and lateral (B) chest radiographs show a focal area of consolidation in the right lower lobe (arrows). A diffuse bilateral micronodular pattern is also present, but it is difficult to perceive in the chest radiographs. CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 2010 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 High-resolution CT image at the level of the aortic arch shows bilateral ill-defined ground-glass nodules (A). One-millimeter CT images in lung and mediastinal windows at the level of the right inferior pulmonary vein show an area of rounded consolidation in the right lower lobe (B). CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 2010 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

4 Figure 3 Transbronchial biopsy specimen. Area of interstitial fibrosis with chronic inflammatory infiltrates and multinucleated giant cells (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ×400) (A). Polarization of the same image shows large amounts of brightly birefringent plate-like talc crystals (B). CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 2010 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

5 Figure 4 Follow-up high-resolution CT scan performed 2 months after antibiotic treatment shows persistent ill-defined ground-glass nodules in the upper lobes (A), and a marked reduction in the size of the area of consolidation in the right lower lobe (B), with development of a small central area of cavitation (thick arrow) and mild focal areas of decreased attenuation in the lower lobes, most likely representing air trapping (thin arrows). CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 2010 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

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