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TEEP STUFF Social Science.

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Presentation on theme: "TEEP STUFF Social Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEEP STUFF Social Science

2 Rationale: New KS4 is much more knowledge based.
New KS5 requires a great amount of knowledge and understanding. Therefore, we may want to reflect on the effectiveness of how our students gather knowledge.

3 (The above is, in itself, triangulation)
So we need some research and gather sound academic evidence to help us…. The psychology of memory – numerous replicated scientific research. Doug Lemov – Observations of successful Teachers in the US – Commonality John Hattie – Meta-analysis of different teaching methods impact and the most successful combo was repetition and review. It’s often discussed we need to implement Triangulation, but how can we do this in our teaching? (The above is, in itself, triangulation)

4 Triangulation Triangulation is a powerful technique that facilitates validation of data through cross verification from two or more sources Ultimately, it’s a checking device to use more than one source to establish the effectiveness and validity of the piece of research. In Social Sciences we do this through using more than one Method, more than one Researcher and the different types of Data to check whether there are any anomalies which impact/bias results. This increases the Validity (true picture) for our conclusions.

5 1st point – Is the information ENCODED effectively?
Sensory - Duration – 0.2 secs - Capacity – large but specified - Coding - Senses STM - Duration – secs - Capacity – 7 +/- 2 (max 9, min 5) - Coding - Accoustic LTM - Duration – Lifetime/permanent Capacity – Limitless Coding – Semantic (meaning) -trick-of-teaching/

6 Working memory - STM

7 Improving Working Memory techniques - LTM
Mnemonics – Acrostics, Acronyms, Rhymes, Chunking (7 items +/- 2) Visual Imagery – method of Loci – placing material in specific places which gives it meaning (Sherlocks Mind Palace), keyword association, spider diagrams, mind maps, concept maps. Organisation – hierarchical lists Key – Elaborate Rehearsal – nature of rehearsal not amount. Key - Dual coding – process once acoustically and add a visualisation processes to enhance. Literally twice as effective

8 2. Are we Testing Knowledge through effective questioning - RETRIEVAL
Provide thinking time thinking/ Inclusive questioning systems Modelling & constructing exceptional answers Thought Bombing Top Ten Strategies strategies/

9 3. Are students using this information to produce effective answers?
WE know where the students are lacking and what they need to do to improve……but do THEY? Assessing their work is up to US. Reflection and improvement is up to THEM. How can we help/facilitate them doing this?

10 Thinking Ladder… Students move up the ladder, questioning their performance at each ‘step’

11 Essay Self Assessment Sheet
Have you: Considered the strengths and limitations of the research studies you have used? Considered issues around the theories you have used? Have you used contradictory research? Have you included supporting research? Essay Self Assessment Sheet Have you: Used PEEEL to structure your paragraphs? How well? Could this be improved? Compare theories Justify points Sustained commentary Evaluated Gender bias Reductionism Ethics Nature/nurture Determinism Vs Free will Approach Ethnocentrism Scientific method Point Explain/evidence Evaluate Link Interpret data Conclusions Have you: Used any real world examples? Applied VCOP to your work? Used a range of AO2 connectives/openers? Correlational Internal validity Field Lab Therefore This is challenged by Consequently An advantage of this is Alternatively Have you: Identified relevant IDA’s Considered issues with research methods? This is supported by Sampling Self report However There is little support for One possible explanation is A better explanation is In contrast External validity This would imply Reliability This would imply Experimenter bias Social desirability bias Have you: Included key terminology? Included definitions? Could you have included more? Have you: Explained your opening points? Is your opening linked back to the question? Outlined relevant studies/theories Summarised key points?

12 Organisation and structure
AO1 Strengths Improvements Knowledge AO1 SK1 Very few or no mistakes in AO1 IK1 Correct inaccurate knowledge SK2 Included all major principles and details IK2 Add missing key concepts SK3 Included relevant AO1 research IK4 Include relevant studies SK4 Depth and breadth of knowledge IK5 Add depth or breadth SK5 Focussed on the question IK6 Put focus on the question topic Understanding A01 SU1 Key terms included IU1 Include and define key terms SU2 Used examples/explanation to show good understanding IU2 Explain key concepts SU3 Included extra details to show depth IU3 Add examples SU4 Expression shows understanding IU4 Re write sections to add clarity Selection SS1 Good selection of material to address the question IS1 Review and improve selection of concepts or studies SS2 Appropriate selection IS2 Take out irrelevant material Organisation and structure SAP1 12 paragraph structure used IAP1 Use 12 paragraph structure SAP2 Concepts ordered well IAP2 Improve the order of concepts SAP3 AO1 and AO2 is structured to provide clarity IAP3 Link AO1 to AO2 AO2 Strengths Improvements AO2 Focus SAP4 Applied a range of AO2 signposts/connectives IAP4 Use a range of specific AO2 signposts SAP5 You have used real world examples to illustrate your points IAP5 Add real world examples to illustrate your AO2 points IDA SAN1 IDA used effectively and relevance is clearly explained and justified IAN1 Include at least two (PEEEL) IDA points SAN2 Selected relevant IDA points IAN2 Choose a more relevant range of IDA points SAN3 You have explained your IDA points - Synopsis IAN3 Explain and expand on your IDA points more clearly SAN4 IDA is supported with evidence and/or examples IAN4 Provide evidence to support your IDA points Evaluation SE1 Used supporting and contradictory research IE1 Put more focus on supporting and contradictory research SE2 Considered the issues with the theories IE2 Consider issues with the theories outlined SE3 Supported your evaluation points clearly IS3 Used evidence and/or examples to support your points SE4 You explain your points in the context of the question IE4 Explain your evaluation points more clearly SE5 Considered the strengths and limitations of the research used IE5 Consider the strengths and limitations of the evidence used SE6 You have communicated a clear line or argument IE6 Link your A02 points and/or include a conclusion to show a line of argument Create SC1 Evaluations are analysed discussed and show depth IC1 Include 2-3 PEEEL points


14 Modelling with high quality exemplars

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