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The coming down of the Holy Spirit!

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1 The coming down of the Holy Spirit!
Pentecost! The coming down of the Holy Spirit!

2 Jesus prepared his disciples for his departure!

3 I am going to die/Crucified by sinful man
Are you going to die! What will happen to us? What are done! He told them about his death (Lk. 9:21-22a)

4 But I will rise again on the third day
That’s better! He told them about his resurrection (Lk. 9:22b

5 I will go away, back to my Father
Huh, going away from us again? Too bad for us! He told them about his ascension (John. 16:28)

6 But I will send you a Helper the Holy Spirit
Much better! He promised them that He will send the Holy Spirit (John 16:7

7 After the resurrection then what!

8 After the resurrection then what!
Jesus was with his disciples for forty days (Act. 1:3) He told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit (Act. 1:4).

9 After the resurrection then what!
Then he ascended into heaven (Act. 1:9) (Picture of the ascension) you can remove the statement above and just put the picture)

10 Pentecost! Acts 2:1-13 The Jews called it the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of Weeks Exodus 23 Exodus 24 Leviticus 16 Numbers 28 Deuteronomy 16 The advent of the Christian Pentecost where believers celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit.

11 The promise of the Holy Spirit
God in the Old Testament had promised that the Holy Spirit would come Joel 2:28 The Lord Jesus had promised to send the Holy Spirit John 14:26 John 16:7 Acts 1:8

12 The coming of the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:1-13 v. 2 There was a sound like that of a violent wind v. 3 There were visible tongues that looked like fire which divided and rested on the disciples v. 4 Disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit v. 4. Disciples began to speak in different tongues

13 The coming of the Holy Spirit
v. 4. The tongues were not learnt but they spoke as the Spirit enabled them vs. 6&8 People heard these people each one speaking in his own tongue. v The people testified that they heard the disciples speaking, to put it in the hearers’ own words, ‘in our own languages’ v. 11 The tongue speakers were declaring the wonders of God

14 The functions of the Holy Spirit!
The spirit would convict the world of sin (John 16:8a) He would convict the world of righteousness (John 16:8b) He would convict the world in regards to judgment (John 16:8c) He would guide us in all truth (John 16:13a) He would declare all things that are to come (John 16:13b)

15 The functions of the Holy Spirit!
He comforts us- He is actually called the comforter or the counsellor. He would bring glorify to Jesus (John 16:14) He would teach the disciples all things (John 14:26a) He would remind them all that he had taught them (John 14:26b) The Spirit was to give them power to evangelise in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the world (Acts 1:8)

16 The functions of the Holy Spirit!
1 Corinthians 12:4-11 & 27-31 The Spirit gives different gifts to different people as He wills Cf Romans 12:6 Question! How should Spirit given gifts be used in the church? Answer! As prescribed by the giver

17 Your response and mine! We should use the unique gifts He has given to each one of us according to His prescription We should listen to Him and obey Him when He teaches us We need to yield to His rebuke and repent when he convicts us We need to accept His helping hand when He stretches it to us We should seek Him for wisdom before we plunge into chaos

18 Your response and mine! We should interact with the Holy Spirit as a being not a force We should evangelise because He empowers us When we do He will convict people of sin He will convict them of righteousness He will help them grow


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