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A drug research project by Janelle

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1 A drug research project by Janelle
Alcohol A drug research project by Janelle

2 1 Ethyl alcohol is the scientific name for alcohol, also known as booze, liquor, cold one, hard stuff and juice. It is a depressant, but in small amounts, it can provide a stimulant effect.

3 2 Alcohol is drank/swallowed, and comes in different “levels” or proofs. the proof is the amount of alcohol by volume, or ABV. Alcohol comes in different colours, depending on what it is made out of. It can be clear, red, dark brown or yellow.

4 BAC(%) Effects .07 or lower Improvement in mood, higher self-confidence, short attention span, lack of coordination and judgment Loss of memory, delayed reactions, loss of balance, blurred vision Depression, nausea, significant disorientation, blackouts Every part of the brain is impaired, choking on vomit while unconscious is very likely .30 and higher Seek medical attention. No physical control, slow heart rate, uneven breathing 3 The effects of alcohol can vary, depending on the individuals BAC, or blood alcohol content. This measures the amount of alcohol in a persons body. The higher the BAC, the higher the risk of injury

5 4 WITHDRAWAL EFFECTS Withdrawal symptoms included shaky hands, headaches, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, sweating, insomnia, hallucinations, seizures, confusion and racing heart Alcohol is not considered a scheduled drug. It is one of the few acceptations, along tobacco. This may be because these products are so common, and attempting to restrict them (prohibition) didn’t work out so well. Alcohol can be easily abused, because it is a legal drug. If you are of legal age, you can buy it in many locations. The mixing of alcohol with soda or energy drinks can provide a enhanced effect, which is dangerous because you could have 2 drinks but feel like you had 5.

6 5 A chronic alcoholic may go through withdrawal symptoms if they go 1 hour without a drink. Shaky hands and blackouts are a common occurrence. They will often hide bottles of alcohol around their house, away from their family. They may hide alcohol in water bottles to take to work. Their reaction time will be slow. They will be in a constant state of impairment, which makes it dangerous to do everyday things, like driving. The longer they’ve been drinking, the more alcohol it will take to get them drunk. tch?v=cqtwIWiAWN4

7 Glossary Depressant Stimulant Proof ABV BAC Scheduled Drug Prohibition
A drug that reduces brain activity; they make you feel sad A drug that increases brain activity; they make you feel good The strength of distilled alcohol The measurement of ethanol in an alcoholic beverage The measurement of alcohol in the bloodstream The ranking used to define the necessity of a drug. The lower the schedule, the worse the drug is for your body The prevention of alcohol consumption by the U.S. government from Someone who drinks a lot\ has drank heavily for a long time. They are seriously addicted Depressant Stimulant Proof ABV BAC Scheduled Drug Prohibition Chronic Alcoholic

8 Thank you for watching

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