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Plate Tectonics.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics

2 Ocean Topography Ocean Ridges- underwater mountains; longest mountain range on Earth Trenches- Narrow depression in the seafloor How do they form?

3 Seafloor Spreading Seafloor spreading: when new ocean crust is formed
Formation of new crust Magma is forced towards the surface As the ridge separates the magma fills the gap created This will continue to happen and new ocean crust will continue to generate

4 Plate Tectonics Plates: huge, mobile pieces of crust that cover the Earth. Move because of convection currents Energy (thermal) comes from the core (internal) to drive plate movement. There are 3 types of plate boundary

5 Divergent Boundaries Divergent Boundaries- two tectonic plates move apart Occur in Ocean ridges Seafloor spreading

6 Convergent Boundaries
Convergent Boundaries: 2 tectonic plates move towards one another When 2 plates collide the denser plate descends below the other plate This process is called subduction There are 3 types of convergent plate interaction…

7 Convergent Boundaries
Oceanic-Oceanic: Forms an ocean trench Oceanic-Continental: Oceanic plate is more dense so it is subducted. Produces trenches & volcanic arcs Continental-Continental The crust are unable to subduct due to rocks so the continents collide and form massive mountain regions.

8 Convergent Boundaries
1 2 3

9 Transform Boundaries Transform Boundaries Plates slide horizontally
Responsible for most earthquakes Ex. San Andreas Fault

10 Look at California… What is so interesting?
Transform boundary at the San Andreas Fault

11 Free Template from
Know Your Boundaries!! 7/16/2019 Free Template from

12 Lithosphere divided into 10 major tectonic plates— know the continental ones and the Pacific plate!

13 Plate Movement

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