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Articles are due today. Make sure it’s complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Articles are due today. Make sure it’s complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Articles are due today. Make sure it’s complete.
If you finish early, you may read a book from the bookshelf.

2 Agenda: No homework. Happy Friday!
A student is running a practice race for track and field. Below is a data table of her distances and times. 1. In your notebook, make a graph using the data in the table above. Make sure to include all parts of a graph!! 2. In complete sentences, give one possible explanation for the runner’s speed from 15 to 20 seconds. Time (seconds) Distance (meters) 0 Seconds 0 meters 5 Seconds 10 meters 10 Seconds 25 meters 15 Seconds 20 meters 20 Seconds 25 Seconds 5 meters 30 Seconds

3 Are you easily overwhelmed by text?

4 Don’t be!!! You can analyze any article by following a few simple steps. Analyze = Understand and Respond To

5 A.P.E.A.R. Author Purpose Evidence Audience Respond
APEAR = to become clear! Every science article you read will become clear if you follow these steps!

6 Author Who is the person writing this article?
What is that person’s job? How does that job affect what the person knows about the topic? - People who write science articles usually have a job related to the topic of the article. Example: Harry Jones, a meteorologist, wrote an article about the weather in North Carolina. Because he is a meteorologist, we can assume he knows a lot about weather.

7 Purpose Why did the author write this article?
What information does the author want readers to take away from the article? Example: Dr. Jones wrote this article to explain the heat wave in North Carolina this summer. He wants people to know that the heat wave was a result of global warming.

8 Evidence What is the specific information that the author uses to support his/her purpose? Where does this data come from? Is the author using real evidence or just giving a personal opinion? Example: Dr. Jones cites the Global Weather Watch System, which says that temperatures around the Earth are at a record high.

9 Audience Who is this article written for?
You can tell this by looking at the source of the article and thinking about who would be most likely to ready that type of source. Example: This article appeared on Yahoo! News, so Dr. Jones probably meant it for a general audience.

10 Respond What is your opinion on this issue? Do you agree with the author? Why or why not? Why is this issue important to discuss? Example: I agree with Dr. Jones. I think that the heat wave this summer was caused by global warming because the world is getting warmer. This issue is important to discuss because people will be affected in many ways as the world gets warmer.

11 Your Assignment You will complete one current event each month.
For this month, we will do it in class. From now on, this will be homework You may not work on the same article as the person beside you.

12 Now choose your article and get to work!
NASA’s newest Mars Mission Spacecraft enters orbit around red planet Perfectionism is a bigger than perceived risk factor in suicide: Psychology expert Strategic or random? How the brain chooses Brain scans reveal ‘gray matter’ differences in media multitaskers No sedative necessary: Scientists discover the new ‘sleep node’ in the brain Hadrosaur with huge nose discovered: Function of dinosaur’s unusual trait a mystery

13 Exit Ticket What is the walkers speed at 40 seconds?
What time did the walker make it back to the starting point? What time intervals did the walker take a break and stopped moving? What is the speed of the walker at 42 seconds? What time did the walker start heading back? Exit Ticket

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