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Hosted by: El Camino College November 17, am – 3pm

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1 Hosted by: El Camino College November 17, 2018 10am – 3pm
Strong Workforce Program Teacher Preparation Regional Collaborative Quarterly Meeting Hosted by: El Camino College November 17, 2018 10am – 3pm

2 Agenda Expected Meeting Outcomes:
Objectives and activities of the SWP-TPP project clarified; activities that will have a greater impact on SWP metrics identified. Each college to report on progress (Round 1); assessed gaps in meeting SWP metrics Task Groups discussed, selected; initial planning performed (breakout) Next steps for task groups established Update on Education Futures project grant Regional KUMU mapping Overview of SWP-TPP objectives and progression of activities Emphasize and identify activities that have impact to SWP Metrics Timeline: Round 1 –until December 2018 (a year; 2 semesters to finish off round1) Each college will report on their progress; as a collaborative we need to discuss how we can impact SWP metrics better; do colleges that do not have any activities that impact the metrics need to reevaluate their workplans and budgets? Definitely, we need to do it for Round 2. We will be assigning each college/person to a task group that will work on the various activities that we need to accomplish in Round 2. We will have a breakout session so each task group can convene and discuss initial plans. Update on Educations Futures project Continue on mapping our partners and will learn a way to do it digitally.

3 Overview/Update of SWP-TPP, Round 2
Refer to Activities Table I sent to everyone when we were doing our Round 2 workplans and budget. This chart shows you a progression of activities from Round 1 to Round 3. Round 1 – Dual Enrollment Round 2 – Pathway Round 3 – Sustainability/Institutionalization The overarching goal of this project is for us to develop an education pathway(s) that has all the components that we are developing, K-12 partnerships/dual enrollment at the high schools, stackable certificates that will allow students to gain entry-level jobs related to teaching, ADT programs, 4-year transfer, formalized with MOUs while at the same time impacting the SWP metrics. End Goal: Scaling up TPPs across the region; Sustainability/Institutionalization via the Guided Pathways initiative -but as a college, you need to be focusing on some of these components that make up a pathway to have a chance to be able to sustain/institutionalize our programs. If what we have is a bunch of disconnected course offerings or services with no long term viable pathway, our chances of getting institutionalized is zero. Review workplans in Round 1 and Round 2 – are you working on developing a TPP program that has a chance of being sustained, or is your program gone when funding is also gone? ROUND 2 UPDATE: #11 ranking out of 21; 13 proj to be recommended 1.7M


5 “Careers in Education” Pathway (s) Model Components:
Partnerships with K-12 and 4-year solidified by an MOU; mutual investments from partners well-sequenced curriculum and program design multiple entry points complete short-term, stackable certificates allow students to gain entry level skills and employment opportunities related to teaching Courses offered are articulated and recognized by a partner credentialing institution(s) Work-based learning opportunities Job Placement opportunities

6 1st Round Deliverables & Progress Report
ROUND 1 Colleges LA Mission College Cerritos College LA Pierce College Citrus College Pasadena College Compton College Rio Hondo College East Los Angeles College Santa Monica El Camino College Work plan/Budget Change Process: 1. Get approval of your SWP Director and/or Direct Administrator. 2. Make revisions on your current budget form. 3. Send revised budget form to Janneth Manjarez; specify on your the changes you made (e.g. amount that was moved from one object code to another) 4. cc: Lea Martinez, SWP Administrator and/or Direct Supervisor, Accounting Dept. Objective: Each college to report on progress on their workplan activities, assess impact of each activity to SWP metrics and sustainability of TPP program. Assess if changes have to be made to workplan/budget. Work plan/Budget Change Process: 1. Make sure you get the approval of your SWP Director and Administrator. 2. Make revisions on your current budget form. 3. Send revised budget form to Janeth Manjarez; specify on your the changes you made (e.g. amount that was moved from one object code to another) 4. cc: Lea Martinez, SWP Adminsitrator and/or Direct Supervisor, Accounting Dept.

7 Task Groups Discussion & Selection
K-12 Partnerships/Dual Enrollment 4-Year Transfer & Partnerships/ADTs Regional “Careers in Education” Pathway(s) Model & Stackable Certificates TEACH Los Angeles Regional Collaborative Website Professional Development From the Activities Table, we have identified 5 Task Groups: Each individual will have to select a group that he/she wants to be involved in. Later the group will have an opportunity to meet to discuss initial steps. Before we go into breakouts, the group as a whole will have an opportunity to add input on what deliverables each task force should have. Some groups already have some deliverables and we have identified leads for some, but everyone is welcome to add more to each task group.

8 K-12 Partnerships & Dual Enrollment Lead: Colleen McKinley, Cerritos College
MOU – Memorandum of Understanding Template/Model Develop and document process of working with K-12 partners Provide assistance to other colleges that are developing dual enrollment

9 4 year Transfer & ADTs Lead(s): Santa Monica College & East Los Angeles College
Develop MOU template with 4-year institution ADT model for “Single Subject Credential” ? Develop and document process of working with 4-year partners

10 Regional Education Pathway & Short-Term Stackable Certificates Lead: Rio Hondo College: Lea Martinez & Yadira Lopez TPP Skills Certificate STEM-CTE Contextualized Skills Certificate Pre-School Aid Certificate

11 Professional Development Lead Colleen McKinley –Cerritos College & Bobby Becka- El Camino College
Plan Dual enrollment conference - Spring 2018

12 TEACH Los Angeles Regional Website
Create framework of the website Develop website Finalize logo Canvas at least a minimum of 2 vendors Basecamp module- a space to upload all of our documents to share best practices

13 Breakout Session & Group Tasks
Select a lead Select a recorder (document the project development process) Share contact info Discuss Deliverables/Timeline Steps- Brainstorm Process to accomplish task Schedule next meeting with task group

14 SAVE-THE-DATE Next Meeting Date: Friday, February 23, 2018
Action Items: Submit any revisions to workplan & budget asap Be prepared to report on your progress Meet with Task Group(s) Task group leads – report progress on tasks

15 Education Futures Project Update: Colleen McKinley

16 Regional KUMU Mapping Presenter: Amy Schulz, CCCCO

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