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NCMA Gateway Chapter Officer & Chair Elections

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Presentation on theme: "NCMA Gateway Chapter Officer & Chair Elections"— Presentation transcript:

1 NCMA Gateway Chapter Officer & Chair Elections
April 2018

2 Annual Agenda Quarterly Lunch n Learns Monthly officer meetings
Annual National Education Seminar Annual officer elections & retreat Joint events with Scott AFB Chapter Certification sessions/support/proxy Cert Test Membership Drives Newsletters/ website support

3 Officers & Chairs President Certification Chair Vice President
Treasurer Secretary Membership Chair Programs Chair Certification Chair Marketing Chair Graalman Chair National Education Seminar Chair Webmaster/Newsletter

4 Benefits Expanding Network – Government & Industry Leadership skills
Increased proficiency in functional areas Growth of knowledge Resume benefits Volunteering Potential opportunity to travel for events

5 Next Steps Self Nominate
See newsletter and/or web page [] or Submit by COB April 27th For additional information reach out to any of the current officers/chairs Get Involved with your local chapter!

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