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Locust Grove Elementary

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1 Locust Grove Elementary
March Locust Grove Elementary Monthly News 5th Grade Teacher’s Message Reading Can you believe we are already moving into March? Please make sure to continue checking the weekly Tuesday folders to stay updated with your learner’s progress. Also, we are continuing to update grades into Infinite Campus, so make sure to check with the front office if you do not already have your log-in information. Our second round of student-led conferences are set for March 1st. A reminder that permission slips and money for 4H camp are due by March 9th. We will be visiting the camp March 28th-30th. Also, the permission slip and money for the Atlanta History Museum are due by March 16th. Spring pictures are also coming up on March 16th. Finally, we will be taking our spring round of MAP assessments the week of March 19th. Please feel free to contact your homeroom teacher with any questions! Our students are continuing to work with parts of speech, citing evidence using paired passages, main idea, inferencing, and identifying the author’s purpose for writing the passage(s) and the author’s point of view. Once completing this unit, we will begin reviewing skills learned throughout the year to prepare for milestones! Please continue to encourage your learner to read each night and to take A.R. tests. Writing In writing, we will continue to work on opinion pieces. Learners will learn to support pieces using a point of view with reasons. We will be learning how to introduce a topic, state an opinion, and organize ideas which are logically grouped to support the writers view. Math Science We are continuing to work on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. In our next few units, we will look at attributes of 2D figures, converting standard measurement units, and finding the volume of shapes. Learners can review previous math skills by completing lessons on Dreambox. In Science, we will be looking at constructive and destructive processes, electricity, and chemical and physical changes. Social Studies Social Studies will be integrated into our reading review. We will be looking at WWII, the Cold War, Civil Rights, and our government.

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