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Anterior escort cells are required for germline stem cell maintenance.

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1 Anterior escort cells are required for germline stem cell maintenance.
Anterior escort cells are required for germline stem cell maintenance. (A) Surviving escort cells remained in the anterior region of a germarium expressing moderate levels of hid. (A′) A magnified view of the boxed area in A showing the remaining anteriorly localized, GSC-contacting escort cells (outlined in yellow). White dashed circle delineates cap cells; green dashed circle, GSCs. (B-D) Hid-induced loss of anterior escort cells, visualized by plasma membrane-localized CD8GFP expressed with C587Gal4. Cap cells and GSCs were labeled with LamC and Hts, respectively (both red). (B′-D′) Magnified views of the boxed areas in B-D show the presence (B′,D′) or absence (C′) of anterior escort cells. (E) Quantification of the correlation between the number of anterior escort cells and GSCs in germaria expressing intermediate levels of hid (as shown in D). Mean values are shown as black lines. Scale bars: 20 µm. Xiaoxi Wang, and Andrea Page-McCaw Development 2018;145:dev158527 © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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