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NOTES on WWII Homefront

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1 NOTES on WWII Homefront

2 War Productions Board – tell factories WHAT to produce
War Mobilization War Productions Board – tell factories WHAT to produce “the great arsenal of democracy”

3 War Productions Board – tell factories WHAT to produce
War Mobilization War Productions Board – tell factories WHAT to produce “the great arsenal of democracy” Office of Price Administration – control wages, distribution, and prices ration oil, rubber, and tin Plant victory gardens

4 3. Office of War information - encouraged support of war
Sold Bonds = certificate promises to pay the buyer back the purchase amt plus interest later (SUMMARIZE ME)

5 3. Office of War information: encouraged support of war
Bonds… Propaganda: gov advertisement

6 4. Sunbelt = revived southern region
4. Sunbelt = revived southern region Lockheed – defense plant 5. WWII Ends unemployment and Depression

7 Social Changes Rosie the Riveter: 6 million women (MARRIED) work!

8 2. “Double V Campaign” – victory against dictators and discrimination
A Philip Randolph – threatens march on Washington Demands end to discrimination in gov FDR fears protest will undermine war effort Executive Order 8802: demands fair hiring practices in gov jobs Inc membership in NAACP and CORE (congress of racial equality)

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