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ENP/ENPI workshop in Moldova Lessons learned

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1 ENP/ENPI workshop in Moldova Lessons learned
14-15 July, Tbilisi

2 CONTENT Background information about Moldova
Moldovan political context related to ENP Description of the NFAP AGROinform Workshop procedures and methodology Preparation Implementation Lessons learned Outputs of the workshop Recommendations for the CSP Actions to be undertaken after the workshop

3 Background information about Moldova (1)
AREA - 33,8 thousand sq, km 74,7% - agricultural land Population – 3,4 mln. inhabitants GDP – 2,8 billions Euro GDP per capita – 848 Euro GDP growth dynamic ,5%, ,8%, ,0% Commercial Balance mln. USD deficit

4 Background information about Moldova (2)
Importance of Agriculture for the Moldovan Economy

5 Moldovan political context related to ENP
Strong political will of the Government for EU integration, More than 70% of population opt for EU integration, (according to the surveys), Formally the Government is committed to the ENP assignments, The ENP format of cooperation is not satisfying the internal aspirations related to European future of Moldova Idealized vision regarding EU membership and lack of neutral information for the society on the subject The most important document under the ENP/ENPI is considered EU-Moldova action plan CSP is a not known paper in the country and is perceived as something virtual

6 Description of NFAP AGROinform
NFAP AGROinform is a network of 20 regional NGOs uniting more than 3000 members- farmers and rural entrepreneurs, Main fields of activities: Improve agricultural policies and lobby farmers interests Support business development in agriculture Facilitate farmers access to markets Facilitate farmers cooperation in business Develop capacities of the network and beneficiaries

7 Workshop procedures and methodology (1)
Preparation Identify and select the interested NGOs for the workshop with different fields of activities and levels Identify the NGOs area of interest and motivation to be involved in debates related to the ENP/ENPI Prepare the package of the main documents related to the subject of the workshop for the participants Ensure the logistics and presence of NGOs Ensure the participation of resource persons on the subject from different institution

8 Workshop procedures and methodology (2)
Implementation Make clear the agenda, objectives and expected outputs of the workshop for participants Provide content information trough presentations of different representatives: Government, EC Delegation in Moldova, NGOs Divide the participants in thematic groups according to CSP priorities and their interests

9 Workshop procedures and methodology (3)
Implementation Analyze in the groups the CSP trough: (1) is the EC Delegation response strategy in line with national agenda, (2) the successes and constrains in the implementation, (3) provide recommendations for improving the CSP Present the groups outcomes in plenary for suggestions and feedback Develop the actions to be undertaken after the workshop with deadlines and responsible organizations

10 Workshop procedures and methodology (4)
Lessons learned The subject of the workshop is very appropriate, especially because it is the first initiative of the SC to influence the EU policies The EC in Moldova and the Government had an immediate reaction on making their agreements public The ENP/ENPI subject is an important one for the SC, but more for informative reasons than for lobby on it Is very problematic to mobilize the SC for concrete actions around an unknown document and too broad focus The assumption that participant NGOs will study deeply the documents sent to them preliminary is a risky one

11 Recommendations for the CSP (1)
GENERAL The CSP does not have visible connection with the main country document- National Development Strategy The chapters of the CSP have to be reviewed and should be interlinked in a coherent manner The final implementation mechanisms and tools have to be made clear

12 Recommendations for the CSP (2)
GOVERNANCE and DEMOCRACY Evaluate the effects of implemented public administration reforms; Develop a conceptual framework of the public Administration reforms for all levels following an integrated and systematic approach; Eliminate the political influence on the Constitutional Court, National Broadcasting Council and other public institutions

13 Recommendations for the CSP (3)
SOCIAL REFORM Attribute the tasks of coordinating the state policy in this area to a single governmental body (for ex. Ministry of Education and Youth) Encourage the public-private partnership by extending the fiscal preferences to the economic agents involved in socio-economic activities

14 Recommendations for the CSP (4)
ECONOMIC REFORM, TRADE Facilitate the access to the local market for the Foreign Commercial Banks able to provide accessible credit lines for Small and Medium Enterprises. Simplify the procedure of issuing the quality certificates for local exporters and negotiate larger export quotes on EU markets Liberalize the prices

15 Recommendations for the CSP (5)
Settlement of the TRANSNISTRIAN conflict Extend EUBAM Mission up to final settlement of the conflict Ask the countries-warrants to propose settlement plans based on the state-territory organizations models they went through Create a fund for transnistrian conflict settlement

16 Recommendations for the CSP (6)
RULE OF LAW, fight against corruption Promote the independence of the justice system from the political environment Make efficient the actions of executing the judges final decisions Protect the integrity advertiser (the person who denounces corruption cases) and the witnesses, make more efficient the “hot lines” activities Include in the Election Code the obligation to declare the private properties both of candidates and their family members

17 Recommendations for the CSP (7)
ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND RESEARCH Attribute the tasks of implementing the environment law to a single agency Adjust the domestic environment law to the European one Complete the waste management program Develop and implement a concept of waste management in communities Protect biodiversity Balance the environment-related penalties to those from European countries

18 Recommendations for the CSP (8)
GENDER ASPECTS Include the gender equality aspects in the CSP and all policy papers Develop mechanisms of their implementation Promote the principles of gender equality

19 Actions to be undertaken after the workshop

Aurelia Bondari, Executive Director National Federation of Agricultural Producers AGROinform

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