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) The curriculum document ? b)The syllabus document ?

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Presentation on theme: ") The curriculum document ? b)The syllabus document ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 3/Which document shall we adapt and which one should we keep as a reference
) The curriculum document ? b)The syllabus document ? c) The course book ? GSD ANGLAIS


3 Cross –curricular competences
Situations Assessment Resources Learning objectives Grammar Topics Lexis Pronunciation Competency focus Communicative tasks GSD ANGLAIS Cross –curricular competences MS 4 syllabus


5 “The ability to take a book and make it your own is pretty big
“The ability to take a book and make it your own is pretty big. Instead of fitting your course to the book, you fit the book to what you want to teach. “ ~ Adrienne Watt GSD ANGLAIS

6 Could you suggest how the course book can be adapted to the curriculum?

7 The following activity could be done for your teachers .
Look at the statements in the following table and discuss in groups if you share any of the concerns when using the course book in the classroom. What solutions would you suggest for these concerns? GSD ANGLAIS Concern Possible solution

8 concern Possible solution
The course book does not provide adequate coverage of the syllabus. 2. I need to adapt and supplement the course book with other materials. 3. I do not have enough time to cover the entire course book. 4. The course book is not relevant to my learners. 5. The course book is uninspiring. 6. The course book restricts my creativity. GSD ANGLAIS

9 8. The course book is out of date.
7. The course book is excellent, but the learners are at different levels and I am not able to effectively teach them using it. 8. The course book is out of date. 9. Course books are irrelevant these days with the existence of technology. 10. Learners expect a course book to provide what they need to learn successfully and to pass exams. GSD ANGLAIS

10 11.Teachers teach the course book rather than the learners.
12. I cannot find a course book that has everything I need to meet the curriculum requirements and the learners’ needs. GSD ANGLAIS

11 Introduction and Rationale:
This presentation aims at helping MS4 teachers to make best use of the current coursebook,“On the Move” which has been adapted to fit the curriculum as well as the suggested learning plan. The adapted course book will be temporarily used during the school year (2018/2019).

12 Procedural Guidelines:
The adaptation of the coursebook undergoes a two-stage process; elaborating the PLANNING LEARNING to identify the different sequences and their constituents and scrutinizing the coursebook to select the content that is more or less congruent with the elaborated planning learning

13 Project : A moudjahid Portrait
1st term (Topic : ME) 12 WEEKS Sequence 1 Sequence2 Project : A moudjahid Portrait My personality And experiences My prospects And initiatives -Projects and initiatives -Career/ education -Personality features -School and life experiences (embarrassing and positive ones) (file 1: pages 46/47) (file 3 p:50/67/68/69/70/71 72/73/77/82/83/84) (file 4: pages 102/103) (file 6: pages )

14 2nd term (Topic : My world) Sequence 3
11 WEEKS Sequence 3 Project : designing a charity advetisement leaflet Healtyh Food -Healthy food and table manners -Family advice File1: all pages (file 3: words and sounds Diphtongs page: 99) Citizenship Commitment with charity/ clubs/ helping hand/ respect of others

15 3rd term (Topic : The world) Sequence 4
09 WEEKS Sequence 4 Project : Travelling on line (file 03: pages 76/78/79 80/81) (File 04 : pages 101/ 109 / /129 Pages 96/97/104/105/106) -Online travelling: Forums of discussion -Networks and websites on: Food and dishes round the world -Landmarks and monuments -Outstanding figures in history, literature and arts

16 Remarks about the projects, the tutorial sessions

17 Some recommendations…..
to the teachers


19 An interrelated set of attitudes, skills and knowledge applied in appropriate contexts for successful living and learning applied across all subject/discipline areas GSD ANGLAIS

20 Why crosscurricular competencies?

21 A student-centred approach Personalized learning
Provide consistency across subject/discipline areas and in assessing and reporting GSD ANGLAIS

-The test should be in conformity with the exit profile of the 4AM -It should cover the learning objectives of the first term -The objectives are expressed in CAN DO STATEMENTS - The tasks suggested should be performance tasks -The tasks should have a ludic aspect with regard to the age of the learners. We can include drawings and even cartoons It should cover the linguistic content and the cognitive domains . NABILA BOUKRI/ LOUNIS TAMRABET


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